My line from James, son of Conquest Wyatt (who was grandson of Haute) has SO MANY Johns!

+7 votes
I may have too many Johns in my tree between my 2nd great grandfather, Jacob Dillard Wyatt and Conquest Wyatt's son James. I have 4 generations of John in between. The 2 more recent are listed in my Ancestry DNA match groups, I can feel more confident of those but tracing the other 2 has yet to be reliable or fulfilling.


Please help me figure this out!
in Genealogy Help by Amanda Croy G2G Crew (530 points)

"SO MANY Johns!"


Just don't get John-dice...

6 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

This was most likely Due to naming Conventions click below

British Naming Conventions

by Living Scott G2G3 (3.4k points)
selected by Living Scott

A Name Search for John Wyatt here on Wikitree yields a whole page of Results for John Wyatt and Clicking on different one's with the Blue DNA Icons Suggests a Very Long Line of Wyatt's back to Boxley Kent England. There are alot of John's in my Scott Line also, going back to the Wyatt's and Scott's of Kent England i would be willing to bet that a Non Paternal Event Happened where Scott DNA Started a Wyatt Line From John Scott who Married Anne Pympe. John Scott of Scott's Hall Kent was the Grand Father of Charles Scott who Married Jane Wyatt Daughter of Thomas Wyatt as the Sources Suggest.

page 185 (Lower Left) Memorials of the Family of Scott of Scott's Hall Kent with Appendix to Illustrative Documents.

This was most likely in Error and Supposed to be Jane Hawte who Married Thomas Wyatt it was known that they did not get along and Thomas Wyatt was in Love with Anne Boleyn Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder the Anne Boleyn Files 

more on Thomas Wyatt

so as you can see Thomas Wyatt and John Scott where 2 very Powerfull men in Kent England and Both were Associated with King Henry VIII and The History.

I Have Several Wyatt Y DNA Matches at FTDNA

Interesting, a bunch of Johns and a Pympe.
+9 votes
Amanda, the best answer in this situation was given here on another thread: text your ancestors and tell them to retroactively give unique names to their children. :-)  

Aside from that, it just takes digging. You’ll get it somewhere and someday. My Berryhill line is just like that, everybody naming their kids the same names over and over again. Makes my collateral lines an absolute mess!
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
+6 votes
It could be worse, in my lines we have a lot of John Smith's.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
or they could be Welsh and use variants of "John" to add variety: John ap Evan ap Ieuan ap Ifan ap Jevan ap...
+6 votes
Don't worry - in my ancestry, there was at one point 4 or five ancestors in a row - all father and son - named Jean Messervy (Jean being French for John).  So, there's a similar situation to you.
by J-M Mustchin-Gibson-Mooney G2G6 Mach 1 (11.3k points)
+6 votes

My mom likes to joke that there’s so many Johns in our family that we could have a whorehouse. wink

by Living Younger G2G6 Mach 1 (15.2k points)
+4 votes
When I was faced with a similar situation recently, the key was in their individual wives.  Except where there were too many Elizabeths.
by Lois Tilton G2G6 Pilot (182k points)

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