When working with GEDCOMpare, there are a few main options:
Compare, Match and Reject are the first main topics you will encounter. For each entry in your GEDCOM list, GEDCOMpare will search WikiTree for possible matches, or what we call suggestions (suggested matches). Every suggestion will need to be reviewed, and either Matched, or Rejected. You can also use the Compare and Search functions to verify other information (such as relationships or data of relationships before Matching and Rejecting). If you reject a match, nothing more needs to be completed at this stage. If you Match a suggestion, you have the option to Edit or Merge the information from your GEDCOM into the existing profile on WikiTree.
Once all suggestion are handled, you will have the option to add any profiles that do not currently exist on WikiTree (add buttons will appear in the GEDCOMpare table).