Where is James Jones-Sarah Jane (Scruggs) Jones 1870 Census?

+3 votes
I was on a social site and asked for genealogy help the admin of the group which has been doing this 30 plus years and they also noticed a problem to when i told her i could not locate them in the 1870's  and after many years of a road block for "James Jones" born in Mecklenburg County VA 1828   Mother Celicy Jones  Father Thomas Jones and he married Sarah Jane (Scruggs) in Nashville, TN. They had two children Richard Lafayette Jones Nashville, TN and Mary Jane Jones (Tanley) of Nashville, TN on the last census of the family together is 1860 no records for 1870 could be located. In 1880 Sarah Jane Scruggs Jones was listed on census as widow.  1. census 1870 on Jones 2. When did James Jones died and location. Thanks in advance.
in Genealogy Help by Bea Jones G2G Crew (490 points)
edited by Bea Jones

I found the 1870 Census for the son Richard

Year: 1870; Census Place: District 13, Davidson, Tennessee; Roll: M593_1521; Page: 438A; Family History Library Film: 553020

Name: Richard Jones
Age in 1870: 21
Birth Year: abt 1849
Birthplace: Tennessee
Dwelling Number: 506
Home in 1870: District 13, Davidson, Tennessee
Race: White
Gender: Male
Occupation: Wks In Chair Factory
Cannot Write: Y
Male Citizen over 21: Y
Household Members:
Name Age
Richard Jones 21

Since it appears that Richard is out of the house by 1870. I would speculate that maybe Jane was also out of the house which she would have been about 17 and maybe married I couldn't find a specific source that could verify that statement. Is it possible that James Jones and Sarah Jones moved moved to California by 1870 I found a

Name: John Jones
Age in 1870: 48
Birth Year: abt 1822
Birthplace: Tennessee
Dwelling Number: 23
Home in 1870: Linda, Yuba, California
Race: White
Gender: Male
Occupation: Farmer
Male Citizen over 21: Y
Personal Estate Value: 1000
Real Estate Value: 1200
Inferred Spouse: Sarah Jones
Inferred Children: Amanda Jones
Alonzo Jones
Louisa Jones
Rebecca Jones
Shelby Jones
Lula Jones
Wm Jones

And a  J. Jones and a S. J. Jones on an 1880 Census

Name: J. M. Jones
Age: 68
Birth Date: Abt 1812
Birthplace: Tennessee
Home in 1880: Linda, Yuba, California, USA
Dwelling Number: 70
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Self (Head)
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: S. Jane Jones
Father's Birthplace: Tennessee
Mother's Birthplace: Tennessee
Occupation: Farmer
Household Members:
Name Age
J. M. Jones 68
S. Jane Jones 50
Shelby Jones 14
Lula Jones 12
William G. Jones 10
E. B. Jones 7
Jacen C. Jones 5

Using Census information is a bit tricky as they was only as good as the census taker or the integrity of the person giving the information and can easily be conflated

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