Can somebody help a computer-stupid guy ?

+8 votes
The old form for asking, answering and commenting had a clipboard icon we had to use to paste in stuff. It's gone. There is a way for laptop users to paste using control alt  right click etc . That's given in an answer comment on the g2g announcing the new changes.


Those of us who use tablets don't have control alt keys or mouse's to right click.

How can we paste a source ?
in WikiTree Tech by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (733k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
I copy/paste all the time but can't do it on the new wikitree g2g form.

I'm just an old fashioned girl - I still use a desktop  - and I just had a problem trying to copy a family search record and paste it into an answer box here.  All the underlying html, including lots of format coding, pasted in as text and then I was told the answer was too long.  When I tried to just paste in the citation, that was also too long (family search pages have lots and lots of underlying coding).  Even if it were not too long, it would be impossible to read with the data parts buried in all the layers of code.

This is definitely not a good thing!

I have not tried, but could probably paste the record into notepad, which would convert it to text, then copy from there and paste into the G2G answer box successfully.  Even if that does work, it is a very inefficient way to do things - we need to make less work for people, not more!  This is a giant step backward in user friendliness.

I tried that. Copy/paste to MyOffice and regular Word docs , then tried to paste the result in g2g . No joy.
Well drat.  When I copy/paste I use the technique Ruben posted above, and it works fine everywhere, but not in this new text box.  To paste, when I do the long press, the little blue balloon does appear as usual, but not the attached word paste, that should be just above the balloon.  Tried several things and nothing would make it paste.
You say drat. I been mumbling expletive deleted all day Friday. Expletive deleted. Expletive deleted. Used all my personal message allowance to email answers to People and didn't get any g2g points. Expletive deleted ! !
Confirmed and cross posted in G2G update thread: I can confirm this problem on an Android device using the Chrome, Firefox, and default Samsung browsers. If you hold your finger down in the Question box, the menu appears with paste as an option. If you try it in the text box, the menu does not appear.

Just use these, Eddie! angryangryangry It’s a great cover trying to remain civil! 

4 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer

I mentioned that on another post that Chris made. Then I found a way if you have google chrome....

I found out that I can click on  . It's in the top-right corner of the window of google chrome, then find paste and it works!! Guess you learn new tricks every day!! 

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
selected by Living Barry
I have Chrome but on my tablet under the three dots there's NO paste on the list

After you click on the three dots, go down to the third thing from the end after it says more tools... 

should show:

Edit, cut..copy... paste...

Under my three dots

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Mine is from a desk top computer so that may make a difference.
Computer (whether desktop or laptop), tablet, and phone each have their own version of most websites nowadays.  It is highly likely that things on 1 version are either missing from a different version or are not in the same place on the page on a different version.
+7 votes
I have been able to paste using my iPad, your tablet might be different.

How about you try pasting something into your question above?
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (652k points)
Sadly, I've trying to paste all day. Nothing I can think of works
Sorry Dude, I don't use tablets. I have a laptop. Ctrl and Alt keys. Any way to hook up an additional keyboard or mouse?
No hook-ups. Tablet is like a super-duper cell phone. It got no holes to plug in anything but an earphone
Donnie Blackstone ! He uses a tablet like mine. This will be very distressing for him.
You must have a way to plug a charger in.  What does that port look like?  If it's USB then you can use keyboard and/or mouse.  (to use both, you'd have to plug a USB hub into the port, which would give you - typically - 4 USB ports).
My tablet has a plug in for the electric cord and a plug in for an ear phone.

Since the tablet works great on everything and everywhere except g2g, I can't see spending my paycheck to buy stuff anyway. I am poor.

Okay, maybe I haven’t tried. I was able to post a free space link. Let’s try this....

Nancy Robinson

mentioned in the record of Archelaus Crews and Nancy Robinson
Event Date 07 Apr 1807
Event Place Amherst, Virginia
Citing this Record

"Virginia Marriages, 1785-1940," database, FamilySearch( : 11 February 2018), Archelaus Crews and Nancy Robinson, 07 Apr 1807; citing Amherst, Virginia, reference 202; FHL microfilm 30,273.

Well on the iPad I was able to select, cut and paste with finger’s a real bummer that other tablet brands aren’t working.

+6 votes

I was able to paste using Ctrl-v.

by Kevin Conroy G2G6 Pilot (308k points)
Android tablets don't have keys. No control alt etc. On-screen keyboards for tablets look like your cell phone keyboard
+5 votes
Not sure what kind of tablet you have, Eddie, but here's a blurb about what to do on an Android:  maybe this will work for you too ... or, maybe not!!
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
I can copy paste everywhere but the g2g  form. As commented above, Debi and Patricia are having the same problem . So is Lynn Wiggers.
Hi Bob

I personally use an RCA7 because it has an automatic WI FI pickup. If I'm away from home, and the place I'm at has WI FI, the tablet automatically grabs the connection. I don't have to do anything to hook in.
Interesting, Eddie, that I also have an RCA, but is the Viking and has a keyboard that I can attach. Assume "Control V" would work then (haven't tried it), but I prefer to work vertical on WikiTree, and not use keyboard.  Hope they fix this glitch.
I like my 7. It fits in my suit jacket breast pocket. Of course, I wear a xxxx size jacket LOL

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