How do we ask for a Private (unlisted) profile (which should not be unlisted) to be unlocked?

+17 votes
I have come across quite a few profiles that have been set to private 'Unlisted' (as person is beleaved to be still living) but have found a matching profile/s, usually via a matching child or spouses profile/s where the dates show that this person has died (sometimes more that 100 years ago)

eg what looks like matching open records for a son but one set of matching parent profiles are open but the other set (or one of them) is set to unlisted - all three should be merged but because of the unlisted profile/s matching cant be viewed or confirmed.

How do we ask (form or just email to info?) for that profile to be set to non-unlisted so that the merge can be go ahead ?

Do we have privacy administrators who are authorised to review these unlisted profiles?
in Policy and Style by Graeme Olney G2G6 Pilot (155k points)
I have come across several of the same in the past few days, and I have been making some notes as to their profile links in case I ever come back to them. Subscribing to this discussion in case there is an answer.
The first thing I did after the change came down was look through my Watchlist for Unlisted profiles where the person had actually died, and I hadn't put in a death date. But I may still have more to find.

3 Answers

+16 votes
Best answer
If it's a private profile, you have to email info@.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
selected by Robin Lee
+8 votes
Contact the profile manager (if you can) and have you added to their trusted list.
by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (206k points)
+7 votes
I don't know about privacy admins, but I'm in that slow process of contacting pms trying to get profiles opened, death dates changed, trusted list access, etc.  I suspect most I'll eventually have to file unresponsive manager requests on.   I have emailed info@wikitree about some that were orphaned but unavailable to be adopted because of the privacy setting and that worked well if there was no pm.  I, too, am coming across them because of working through data doctor suggestions.  It's a very slow process -- especially merging them.  No good answer here, just commiseration.
by Kathy Zipperer G2G6 Pilot (502k points)

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