I am descended from Keziah Osborne/Valentine Ball (Susannah), does my DNA substantiate this direct line ancestor?

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WikiTree profile: Keziah Ball
in Genealogy Help by

1 Answer

+5 votes
Best answer
Keziah was born in 1674. That's too far back to use auDNA (Ancestry, 23andMe, Family Finder) and because she's a woman, you wouldn't be able to use yDNA. So the answer to your question is 'No'.
by Kay Wilson G2G6 Pilot (225k points)
selected by Edison Williams
My son has completed an Ancestry analysis. Would that be a compatible descendantcy identification (Valentine Ball/Keziah Osborne)?

Thank you for your reply.
Can you explain what you mean when you refer to "a compatible descendantcy identification'? I don't understand what you're asking. Are you asking if you can use an Ancestry tree as a source for WikiTree? The answer to that is 'No'. Here is information about adding sources to WikiTree: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Jillaine's_Dream_Source_Help_Page

Please let me know if that isn't what you're asking.

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