Can I please have some help deciphering a name from a part of an image?

+3 votes
I would like to put the first spouse in for my 2nd great grandfather.[[Juetting-2|Gerd Juetting]].  I have looked at all of the marriage records I can find for all of the children they all have different name for the first wife on the indexes.  I copied part of the image and attached it to the record for son [[Jutting-32|Johann]]  because it is very clear. It doesn't match the index to my eyes and I would like some other opinions. It would be a german name. The image is at
WikiTree profile: John Jutting
in Genealogy Help by Kathy Wright G2G6 Mach 1 (10.3k points)
It looks like "Weilard Iennelmanshold" to me, but I'd look through the rest of the register to figure out what that second capital is. I'm not sure if it's an 'I'. I don't think it's an F anyway.
I just posted one from one of the other children and you can kind of see my problem.

Most of the marriage records think it is Fenna with a separate last name. The only one that had the Weilard in it was the first one I posted.
This might be a clue - I'm not sure what it means, but how many Fanna Mansholts could there be?
OK, not an "I" then. I guess it could be a really defective capital F.
Maybe it's supposed to be "weiland Fanne Mansholt" "formerly Fanne Mansholt."
I looked at that record before the problem is Gerd supposedly married both women in Germany the second one after the first had died in Germany. The dates don't really work but it did tell me that Mansholts could be the right last name.  German names don't really make a lot of sense to me being raised totally american. :(
I'll bet it's been recopied. That's probably what's wrong with it.
or simply written wrong because they heard it wrong.  I wish I had forms the bride and groom filled out themselves, instead of clerks :)
Somebody in Europe has researched them before -  Geerd Wessels Juetting married Fenna Mansholt in 1850.
They're East Frisians - that's why the names are so... unusual.
That marriage date would work but the link you sent didn't show properly to me and is there documentation with it?? I'm not ready to do pre 1800's yet I have enough trouble with after 1800



23 APR 1850, Leer Protestant-Lutheran Parish

Die Familien der evangelisch-lutherischen
Kirchengemeinde Leer (1674~ 1900)

  • PUBLIKATION: Upstalsboom-Gesellschaft, Aurich 2003 

p. 8540

It's actually sourced pretty well.

Thank you very much!!!!  This will help alot.

1 Answer

+4 votes

I see it as

Weilard Hennelsmanshold

Best regards

Henrik Sarauw, Denmark, Europe
by Henrik Sarauw G2G1 (2.0k points)
Or maybe Fennelmansholder (with the -er on the next line).  Look how he does the F of Frederick...

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