Matilda Todd b. 1861 SC 1941 SC was her mother first married to Warren Simmons making her born Simmons, Thanks

+4 votes
I have 3 of her children with the last name Simmons added but was informed that she was the daughter of Warren Simmons and Elizabeth "Betsy" Hood was the children born before she married
WikiTree profile: Mattie Hawkins
in Genealogy Help by Donnie Blackstone G2G6 Pilot (296k points)
Unable to determine maiden name of Matilda, wife of Jesse.

Executor of Jesse's estate was BARTON KELLY.  Could be a relative.

Jesse's will all torn up and dark like it was burned.

Don't rely on ancestry trees. Most mix the South Carolina Jesse with a Massachusetts Jesse who died 1899

5 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
In the 1860 census for Pickens

Warren Simmons age 20

Elizabeth Simmons age 20

Maudy Simmons age 7 months
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (721k points)
selected by Donnie Blackstone
+7 votes
In the 1870 census for Pickens, Matilda Simmons, age ten, is living with  Ervin, Elizabeth , Letha and Joseph Watson.  In the 1880 census, same family but she is Matilda Watson.
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (721k points)
+7 votes

Warren Simmons died in combat 1862. Company A 16th Regiment

by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (721k points)
+7 votes
In the 1850 census for Greenville, Warren is the son of Isaac and Mary Simmons. Isaac Simmons also appears to have died in combat 1865.
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (721k points)
OK so the email that got sent to me private was telling the truth now Isaac and Mary Simmons what was Marys maiden name?  Thanks Eddie.
+7 votes

Warren Simmons in Pickens son of Jesse and Matilda.

Jesse born about 1827.  Matilda born 1825. Will send you Jesse's will.
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (721k points)
Warren's brothers ISHAM and HAMILTON, sister MARY.
ISHAM married Margaret Howard. They named a son WARREN D.

Mary, looks like she married Wade Rigdon.
Hamilton does not appear in 1860 census. Presume he died young
Eddie my Matilda Simmons we know she is  Maudy with Warren Simmons and Elizabeth that I marked as best answer right.

Thanks Eddie King
If son Isham was born 1839 and mom born 1825/7 then she would have just been 14 to 16 , I know its possible but I don't see proof of ages anywhere back to Matilda Simmons 1861 was she married to John F Simmons 1860 ? I got something not right with her she married Hawkins, Tobb born Simmons  step father Watson, I need fix this correct because that is where I got that email about. Thanks Eddie
Matilda, wife of Jesse, mother of ISHAM, go with birth year about 1815 and Jesse 1817 from other census. The census transcript that says 1825 her and 1827 Jesse is  transcribed bad.
Best answer ANSWER is your girl, yes, definite.
So remove John F Simmons what about all the kids did she have three Simmons boys out of wedlock? Thanks Eddie
after all this information on g2g I changed her maiden name to Simmons her step dad was Watson I know she had three son's last name Simmons one named Franklin Simmons on his death certificate it has his fathers name as John F Simmons I can't find anything on this man. Thanks Eddie King for all this help
Maudy Simmons on the 1860 may have passed away some say and then daughter Matilda Simmons was born 1861? I'm adding this just as a note. I don't have a source.

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