Is there a project that covers pre-1700 Steenhuffel, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium?

+4 votes

I'm looking to add what is known of the De Bleser family and relations from Steenhuffel through the 1600s. An example is Joannes, linked below, but I have some rough information about 4 generations of his ancestors and their siblings. My plan is to follow the baptismal records available from the Belgian Rijksarchief for as far back as they go (1645?) and for as long as I can read them.

Before I get started adding and changing profiles, can you tell me if there is a WikiTree project that would cover these people? If so, how do I get in touch with the project members to coordinate and collaborate on the profiles?

WikiTree profile: Joannes De Bleser
in The Tree House by Jan-willem De Bleser G2G1 (1.7k points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Hi Jan-willem, there is this:

Which you already know and contacted. I really want to get this project moving, but unfortunately I really can't find time for it these days.

We strongly recommend baptism records from the National Archives, so you're doing fine.

Feel free to post again if you have specific questions !
by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (592k points)
+4 votes
I am a part of the Belgian Roots project which I think is still forming a bit, but should develop well if we get participation. I've mainly work on eastern Vlaams Brabant (between Dijle and Gete), and I'm playing with different ways of making nice articles using links to the original scans.

Remember that for the scans there is not only but also a lot at which are cataloged better at

I'm interested in feedback on an appropriate format for the types of "biography" we can make using the types of typical records we have for this region, so please by all means have a look at some of the ones I've worked on. I've given some links on my personal page.
by Andrew Lancaster G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
Which persons are you referring to for the bibliography? Took a quick look at the Modern Belgian roots you link to, but I just see direct links to records.

Thus far my goal has been to put sufficient information that others can easily find the record again even if the layout of a site changes, for instance or I'm assuming that the name of the archives won't change, of course...

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