Good info, thanks. Here's a scenario, probably common:
I have sweated it out entering data going back to my GG grand parents and beyond. Everything past my grandparents is public. I want to collaborate and share. Everything from me up to and including my grandparents is completely private -- one of the most often asked questions for security is, "What is your mother's maiden name" etc. I just don't want to share it. So, I make my daughter "Trusted" and she can see everything and edit everything. Then along comes a fourth cousin. I would like her to be able to see everything, including my daughter's name and vitals, my parents, and my grandparents. But, and this is the big "but," I don't want to give my fourth cousin editing rights.
I don't see how this is "anti-collaborative" and deserves a "take it or leave it if you don't have the spirit" answer. Maybe I don't understand the privacy settings. Maybe this is an option that should reasonably be available. What do I properly understand, and what do I have wrong? Thanks.