How to correct two profiles of the same person with the same number?

+4 votes
There are two profiles for Davis-2256.  They are both for the same person (Jacob Davis) and they show as siblings to each other.  The system will not allow me to  merge them.  I may be missing something here but I suspect this is a technical issue.  Any suggestions?
WikiTree profile: Jacob Davis
in WikiTree Help by Patricia Stockley G2G6 Pilot (160k points)
retagged by Isabelle Martin
Oh dear. This profile needs a good clean up!
Oh dear, children born in North Carolina, Maine, Tennessee, Leicester England and Norfolk England.....sounds highly unlikely, and the one born in Leicester died in Australia whilst the Norfolk England one was born, married and died in Norfolk. Sounds like a very poory thought through merge or merges.
I took the liberty of adding the "Quakers" tag, since the birth location in the data field is "Cane Creek MM" (which really ought to be fixed). This mention of a monthly meeting suggests Quaker parents (?). Unfortunately, no source...

4 Answers

+6 votes
I'd fire off an email to They look into technical glitches like this.

I'm not seeing this though.


Davis-48399 merged with Davis-2256

1 parent shared, the other wasn't. That is what is causing the glitch is a bad merge.
by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (422k points)
see if it goes away later - I had a profile not showing the mom after a merge but later it did (no changes between the times I checked shown) but I do not think the system had yet caught up with the merge entirely somehow yet because there she was when I looked again
yup. Mama is holding on to both of them. She don't wanna lose no chillen'
Steven - I don't know how a mama could keep track of 9 or 10 kids!  I can't imagine the life she had back then.
Yes Steven I believe I will send an email to, thank you.
Hi Navarro, I just stumbled on this profile and did not do any previous merging of it so I don't know what happened.  I did not check the changes log.  I know there is a lot of research and merging to be done.  Thank you for your suggestion.
Hi Gaile, thank you for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it.  Yes there are a lot of changes and merges that need to be done on the whole family.
Dennis - I'll let you disconnect and reconnect if you care to do that.  Also anything else that you may find.  There is a lot of work to be done on the whole family.  Thanks.

very simple. just edit the mother's profile, choose "add/remove child". scroll down to the bottom of the page and choose the "non-existent" child from the radio button and click "remove child from ..."
+5 votes
I only see one.  He has a half-sibling named Jacob Davis, but that is Davis-48399 and he has a full sibling Jacob Davies who is Davies-3707.

It sure looks like there are duplicates that need to be merged for Jacob, as well as for several of his other siblings.
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+5 votes
This happens sometimes with merges (Davis-48399 was merged into Davis-2256 -- but the problematic merge was probably the mother, one linked to one, and the other linked to the other).

But other profiles, one or more parents, or a spouse, etc., hangs on to the old ID number in the connection database.

The solution, is to simply disconnect them, then reconnect them.
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (589k points)
That's why you generally want to merge from the parents first, before merging the children. (going the other direction causes problems like this)
+6 votes
Looking at his father's profile, I find that he has 2 sons named jacob by different wives. I have cleaned up the father's profile and found some conflicting sources. That profile has gone through numerous merges, and it looks like one of them was incorrect.
by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (311k points)
I be detaching wife Mary Nancy Cully-17 from William Davis-58038 because she actually married Edward Davis-11904. This will remove one of the Jacobs who is son of Edward.
If they would not have used the same name over and over these things would be easier to figure out - but they do so we research

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