Why do I have a connection with someone on GEDmatch and not on Wikitree

+3 votes
I have matches on GEDmatch, autosomal 178cM’s but when I compare on Wikitree, it says no relationship to person and no MCRA???
in WikiTree Help by Wesley Hamrick G2G Crew (670 points)
recategorized by Jillaine Smith
It can take some time for the system to update the connections the people in your tree have.  Can you trace the connection from your WikiTree profile, through ancestors, to the person in question?
Can you describe what you mean by "compare on Wikitree?" If you mean tracing relationships through the tree, the wikitree relationships may not be correct. If you mean using the Connections tool, it appears you're connected only to your father at present (can't tell as he's private)

1 Answer

+8 votes
Gedmatch compares and matches against actual DNA data

WikiTree follows known/existing connections ("paper trail") of test takers and does no actual matching.

You don't have anyone connected to you other than your father yet, so there are no other WikiTree connections available, yet.
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (590k points)

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