I'd like to solicit feedback from all regarding the start time for this project.
There seems to be consensus on the end date "to include all settlers who arrived in Pennsylvania before the adoption on 28 October 1701 of the 2nd Frame of Governance." (see Allen's answer below).
It looks like a possible start date for the project is the moment when New Netherlands was ceded to England with the Treaty of Westminster on 24 October 1674, the date that the New Netherlands project ends.
The "top" historic resources are quite lacking in information from 1674 to 1681 (when Penn arrived). Most, like Wikipedia and http://philadelphiaencyclopedia.org seem to treat the early Pennsylvania migration as beginning in 1681. For example, www.phmc.state.pa.us Names their page, "1681-1776: The Quaker Province". We know that Quaker (and other religious dissenters and colonists looking for religious freedom and/or available land) migration began earlier because Penn's commissioners, sent ahead to settle claims with Native Americans and other land holders, sailed for Pennsylvania in 1677. The earliest Quaker migration to this area that I could find is an entry in the Wikipedia Quaker page that says, "The first Friends who settled along the Delaware River were John Fenwick, Edward Wade, John Wade, and Richard Noble. They formed a settlement at Salem, New Jersey, in 1675."
We know that the settlers (mostly Quakers) who arrived in 1677 aboard the Kent first, at first, lived in and among the Swedish - they actually slept in the living rooms and barns of the previous Swedish settlers until they could build their own homes. Because these settlers established, at the first opportunity, their own settlements, they wouldn't be classified as New Netherland or New Sweden community members. On the other hand, if a Dutch relative arrived to join family already in the area, they might be considered a New Netherland community member.
Currently, the New Netherland project has the following templates:
- {{New Netherland Settler}}for those that arrived prior to 24 Oct 1674.
- {{New Netherland Descendant}} for the descendants of the Settlers born between 24 Oct 1674 and 04 Jul 1776.
- {{New Netherland Community}} for those that arrived prior to 1700 and were a part of the community but cannot be defined as a Settler.
The first template seems to match to this project without issue. The second seems to overlap well also: the descendants of the Dutch would carry this template while the new settlers would carry the Penn template.
For the third template, I think that for those descendants of the New Netherlands community and migrants who came to join those colonies (for example, a Dutch relative who migrated to join Dutch family already there) this template works fine.
For those arriving 1674 to 1677 who were not allied to the New Netherlands community I think that the Early Pennsylvania settler template could be used. I see no reason why - for this short intercession period - it couldn't be a case-by-case decision of which project to put a profile into.
Or we could just draw a line in the sand at 1674, 1677 or some other date if someone has other information regarding Quaker migration prior to 1677.
But, just my opinion - I invite to hear your opinion and discussion on this topic.
Thanks and I look forward to your replies.