Is your WILLIAM GRANDSTAFF the same that is listed on the 1900 East Glenwood, Garfield Co., Colorado Census?
Head of household, WILLIAM GRANDSTAFF, age 60, black, widowed, born Jan. 1840 in Alabama, parents born in Louisiana, occupation is "coal miner"; he owns his home free of mortgage.
Listed in the 1889 Leadville Colorado City Directory is:
WILLIAM GRANDSTAFF, miner, boards 231 E. th
Listed in the 1890 Leadville, Colorado City Directory is:
WILLIAM J GRANDSTAFF, miner, residence 124 Harrison Ave.
Listed in the 1891 Leadville, Colorado City Directory is:
WILLIAM J GRANDSTAFF, miner, residence 124 Harrison Ave.
I live in Alabama and am very familiar with all the resources. I tried every trick I knew and could find nothing on WILLIAM GRANDSTAFF (even tried GRANSTAFF) before the 1900 Census. Also tried "white" GRANDSTAFF' slave owners in Alabama, with no luck.
I'm sorry I couldn't answer your question but hope that what I did find helps you in some way. Sincerely, Melinda