Hit a Brick Wall for ~~Dorothea C Pearson

+3 votes


I am researching my history and I have hit the brick wall.

The ancestor I am having trouble with is my Mother's Grandmother maiden name (Dorothea C. Pearson).  She was born in Norway, said to be from Bergen.  It is listed in Census documents that she arrived around 1852. In a family document it is stated that several family member arrived about the same time, Great Grandmother Pearson, Annie, Dorothea, Oscar, Amelia, and Drucilla. 

I am trying to find out exactly where in Norway they were from and if I still have any family there. Also, what they did for a living and why they left Norway for America. 

in Genealogy Help by Toni Moore G2G3 (3.4k points)
retagged by Lynda Crackett

1 Answer

+4 votes
If her name was americanised to Dorothea Pearson then I would suggest that you look for first name Dorthe, Dorthee or Dorthea and patronymic Persdatter, Peersdatter or Pedersdatter when you start to search for her in Norwegian records. Annie could be Anne, Amelia could have been Amalie.

Oscar would probably be Oskar Person, Persson or Pedersen.

Nothing is springing to mind immediately on what Drucilla might have been derived from. Will get back to you if I think of anything likely for that one.
by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (689k points)
Ok, Lynda, just how do you know all this stuff. Amazing!

I lived in Norway for 30 years Pip, so that makes it easier to guess what the original names might have been. smiley

I have removed the best answer star that you gave me on this one as all I have done so far is give some clues. I have  not actually answered the main question. Toni still needs someone who can spend some time helping with the research and the star might mislead others into thinking the issue is 

Thank you for your answer.  I have done this. I am trying to find someone who might have access to overseas records and/or understand the Norwegian language and records. I can not even find any record at Ellis.

Most of the records I have found in US after she is married have her listed as Dorothy C. (Pearson) Worden.

Here is a link to the English version of the Norwegian Digital Archives, so you can start searching. I don't have time this evening to start searching for you, but if you find something that looks likely and need help with translations post it on here. 

It would also be useful if you know the actual date of birth for any of them as that can be used as a search term on Digitalarkivet.
Doratha C Pearson D.O.B. November 1839 in Norway

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