Please bear with me while I explain carefully why I ask the question, because I do not want replies dissecting the merits of a specific case, I want clarification on the policy itself. And please do not add the surname tag or the particular project tag. They have been omitted on purpose.
I have been a WikiTree member for a little less than two years now. Sometimes I can no longer imagine any other way to do genealogy properly, but sometimes, as on this issue, I feel as if I still have a lot to learn.
I think I understand what PPP is about. There is some founding father about whom there are divergent views, e.g. which of several obscure hamlets in 18-th Europe lent him its name, and his profile gets edited to and fro by adherents of either view, each in the process "correcting" the work of the other. The management of the project protects the profile by activating a setting that only they can change, so that warnings are splashed whenever anybody presumes to edit the profile. It also actually freezes certain data fields so that carefully researched facts can't be changed by just anybody who has signed the honor code.
I think I understand what a project is about. It collects a lot of helpful stuff that people working on the project would need, but the main thing is its project group. When you join that, it is like being on the watchlist of hundreds if not thousands of profiles: you get e-mails whenever something, usually just a comment, happens on any of them. There is a tacit request that if you can help, please do.
Apart from getting the profile onto that virtual watch list. I am not so sure what the project-as-manager is about.
In this case, a very experienced (joined Nov 2013, over 100000 contributions) WikiTree member added a project as profile manager, and has been asked by an almost equally experienced project leader to undo that action on the grounds that the profile does not fall under the criteria of a profile that needs PPP. Let me repeat that I do not want a discussion on whether that particular request is justified: if two persons of such experience disagree, we are not going to get it sorted out on G2G.
What I would like to know is what I, or any other rank-and-file WikiTree member, should take into account when deciding whether to add a project as manager. Remember now: the consequence of that action will be that everybody on the project's mailing list is informed whenever a future change happens to the profile.
I have in the past added projects as manager when the profile is in the scope of the project, plus any of the following reasons:
- I plan to remove myself as manager and don't want the profile to be orphaned when there is a project under which it could fall.
- I have done all the research I could, written a nice biography, and am fishing for compliments.
- I have done all the research I could and, having hit a brick wall, am hoping that some of the experts on the project will sooner or later take in interest in the profile.
- The profile is open but badly needs some attention, which it has not got from its apathetic manager in the three years since its creation by GEDCOM import.
Rarely if ever have I added the project as manager of a profile because it seemed to need PPP.
So here again is my question: When must one add a project as manager for a profile?