Does anyone have any information on the Pfeffinger's

+2 votes
in Genealogy Help by Robin Geraughty G2G Crew (690 points)
You will have a better chance of getting a good response if you tell us which Pfeffingers you are interested in. Names, locations, dates?

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Paulina  A. Huber, Father Anton Huber born May 15 1822,Germany marriage record. Anton his father ,Fidel Huber,Mother Theresia Stetter,

married Josepha Klotz,May 28 1846,her mother Theresia Klotz.In

Muhlingen  (A. Stockach) Baden Germany.Do not know if Josepha was

Paulina mother,or Josepha later died and he re married.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
selected by Robin Geraughty
Thank you.  Pauline is married to John Pfeffinger and his dad is Joseph F. born in 1823.  That's as far back as I've been able to trace the Pfeffinger line.  Any more info would greatly be appreciated.
+1 vote
1940 Census: Gridley ,Gridley Township, McLean Illinois.

Kaywin C, age 2 ,sister Janet E.age 1.Father Carl R. age 32 ,Mother

Lavera E. age 21, Family
Yes, this is my dad and one of his sisters.  Thank you for responding.  If you need more info on them I would be glad to help.

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