Can't find sources for Homer, New York in 1815

+2 votes
I created a profile for Abigail Salisbury, wife of Joseph Kinney. Her profile has all I know about her. I've searched for records. But New York State doesn't have records from before 1881 and Abigail died in 1815.
WikiTree profile: Abigail Kinney
in Genealogy Help by Paul Kinney G2G6 Mach 1 (18.5k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Do you happen to have an subscription? There is some information concerning Abigail, apparently from a bible owned by Alice Kinne [as the name was spelled back then] (who married Elisha Salisbury, Abigail's brother), on an ancestry message board back in 2000.

by Jim Parish G2G6 Pilot (179k points)
selected by Paul Kinney
I don't have an Ancestry subscription. Thanks for the info. It looks like Joseph's sister married Abigail's brother.
See if your local library has a subscription to Ancestry.  Some help may be needed to get on it, (like Me) but they seem to have pretty good coverage.
I was exposed to it at my library's senior computer class and I believe we
were told not every feature a computer program you buy personally is on it.
But a real boon to people who can't afford a full subscription or have their
own computer.  As to name spellings-you will find families growing up in the same house occasionally using different spellings.  Maybe a family
feud, maybe just no schooling, census misspellings because the taker was illiterate, just many reasons.
+3 votes
Find A Grave does have a memorial for her if you wish to use that as a source.  I can't seem to copy/paste but look for her in rootssearch/familysearch under her married name
edit:  added to her profile for your perusal and decision
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (591k points)
edited by Beulah Cramer
Thank you. I'll keep it. I see the reason why I didn't find it is because I didn't try the last name without the "y."

Which leads to a (likely unanswerable) question. When did her husband Joseph change the spelling of his last name and why? According to my mother's records, some of Joseph's siblings added the "y" and most didn't. For a while I had thought it was a misspelling on his birth certificate.

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