Hi Robynne,
Yes, I agree with you, although as Aaron pointed out, I had accidentally confused unlisted with private people. I am not advocating removing the names, just interested to hear the different view points.
These two profiles (the husband and the son) were private, not unlisted.
I think my original post was questioning if references/links to private people should be removed on biographies - otherwise, why be private about them at all.
If a profile was owned by a PM, then they are accountable, but if the profile is an orphan profile, then who has the accountability? Kay suggested asking the PM who orphaned the profile, as it was not that long ago for the profile in the original post. I suppose that could work in this case, but some PMs who have orphaned many profiles, it could be hard to remember them all.
In conclusion, I have left the references in and won't be removing them.