Request for help in sourcing names and possible parents in the Saumur region (2)

+2 votes

I have a special request regarding and - descendants are going to the Saumur region to find archives and sources. I have been approached with a request for help and tips (where/how). They had previously been to the archives in Rouen and had been helped immensely – they will share their findings with us).

The mother of was apparently Suzanne Laurant. Is there any tips you can give us before they leave the 1st of July? Also regarding the name variations on “de la Batte” …?

Sincere regards,
Philip van der Walt

WikiTree profile: Susanne Laurent
in Genealogy Help by Philip van der Walt G2G6 Pilot (177k points)

Information provided thus far by David Quénéhervé:

First check if the family is mentioned in the Protestant registers in Saumur - before 1668 (baptisms 1591 - 1624,  marriages 1600-1624, burials 1599-1667, marriages 1625-1638 and baptisms 1625-1667) Registres d'état civil

1668-1684 Registres d'état civil

and the same thing in Fontenay-le-Comte

They could also order a copy of this genealogical magazine GE-Magazine (n° 62)

There is an article (probably a short one) about "Les premiers colons français d'Afrique du Sud" There are also digical copies of some issues for sale but I didn't see n° 62 (you better double check) According to the Cercle Généalogique des Deux-Sèvres in 1995, in this article

P.P. Delorme et B. Lugan évoquent les Français d'Afrique du Sud avec la liste des premiers colons, la liste des volontaires de la guerre des Boers dont peu s'installèrent par la suite, la situation de quelques fermes en 1700. Parmi les premiers colons, fin XVII0, 36 ans après les Hollandais, Paul Godefroy, trois frères de Villiers de la Rochelle, trois femmes Seugnet de

Saintonge, Jacques Labat de Fontenay le Comte, Madeleine Menanteau et Jean Prieur du Plessis, tous deux de Poitiers.

I see that Jacques LABAT is also listed as a native of Bordeaux - On Geneanet premium, Histoire de la révocation de l'Edit de Nantes à Bordeaux et dans le bordelais (diocèse de Bordeaux), 1653-1715 Auteur : Bert, Paul, 1833-1886

“En 1665, Jacques Labat, protestant, fut élu garde de la corporation des orfèvres. Les catholiques en appelèrent au Parlement qui pris cause pour eux. La Chambre de l'Edit soutin LABAT. Le Parlement cassa l'arrêt de la Chambre.” (the usual question, how to be sure he is the one you're looking for. At least you know for sure that there was a LABAT Protestant family in Bordeaux, with a rather high rank.)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
Hi Philip, if they are looking for information on people with life events in Saumur, the place to start is the Archives Départementales du Maine-et-Loir in Angers:

There is also the possibility of visiting the Mairie in Saumur (

I see lots of different locations on the profiles though (Rouen, Bordeaux, Saumur, Fontenay-le-Comte)... the archives will be all in very different places.

For Bordeaux see the municipal archives (, contact at the bottom of the page) and Archives de la Gironde (

For Fontenay-le-Comte: Archives de la Vendée in La Roche-sur-Yon ( and the Mairie (,,17293.html - don't go there between July 5 and 8, because of the Tour de France).
by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (592k points)
selected by Philip van der Walt

Thanks Isabelle, this is immensely heplful … smiley

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