Can we close a hole in the "thank you" system?

+6 votes

I asked a question yesterday about burials in unmarked graves.  It was a general question, although it occurred to me because of a profile I was preparing to add.

I received many answers, one more wonderful than the next, plus several people added much more information as comments.

Since I had not yet added the profile, there was no WikiTree ID that I could have included in my question ... but that's not the point, because the question could apply to lots of profiles.  I wanted to thank everyone who answered, but it's not in my feed, nor is it on the contributions list of those who answered, and of course it's not on the change pages for any profile.  I can't find any way to get an opportunity to thank them ... other than by adding comments to their answers.

I though of a solution and it would be very easy to implement - if the email notification of answers and comments included the link to thank the person, that would be really great!

in WikiTree Tech by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
An answer (as opposed to a comment) would normally appear in the Contributions list of the poster.  But it looks like this doesn't happen if the thread isn't linked to a profile.

You could try an experiment.  Link your thread to a profile and then see if the answers show up in Contributions.

RJ, I tried that a few days ago when I had the same situation of a question that I did not link to a specific profile.  I added the profile link to the question later, but the previous answers did not get added to my activity feed or to the contributions list of those who answered or on the change pages of the profile.

EDITED - Here's that question, if you want to see how it's not in contributions of those who answered, nor on the change pages of the profile.

From which I guess we can conclude that unlinked questions and answers aren't just filtered out, they aren't logged in the first place.

1 Answer

+5 votes
Hi Gaile,

RJ is correct. Our thank-you system was built for WikiTree contributions, not for G2G activity. So, if an answer is connected to a profile and generates a tracked change, you can thank the person for that change.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Yes, Chris, I realize that.  It's also included in my original question, but I still think it would be nice to have an opportunity to click the link to add a "thankyou" to the profile of a member who answers a question that is not linked to a profile.  After all, they have still provided genealogy help and isn't the goal here to encourage everyone to thank people who help?

My suggestion to add the link to thank someone to the email notification when an answer has been recorded - and it could be extended to comments, too, without any additional effort - would enable us to do that and it's a no-brainer to do.

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