Average British DNA

+10 votes
Ancestry is now trying to sell DNA to Brits.  According to their sign-up page

"The average British person’s DNA is only 36% British"

The rest is

23% Irish, 19% Europe West, 9% Scandinavia, 3% Iberian Peninsula, 10% Other.

Would anybody like to try to give any meaning to this at all?
in The Tree House by Living Horace G2G6 Pilot (633k points)
As you know RJ there is no sense to be made of this. It is, as you stated, simply a marketing ploy.

 To be British is akin to being American.  It is called the British Isles which at one time included Ireland, and today includes Scotland, Wales the surrounding islands, like the isle of Man, Western Isles, Orkney, Shetlands, Isle of Man. It is a hodgepodge of haplogroups.

No one knows who the original Brits were, but the "Cheddar man", from DNA analysis, indicates that he had dark skin, brown eyes, and black hair. Then came successive waves of migrating tribes, then the Romans, who seem not to have much if any trace of their DNA, and that goes for their auxillaries, like the Syrian sling throwers, the Sarmatian cavalry, then the Angles, Saxons and Jutes,  who left lots of their DNA, mostly in the south, midlands and along the east coast, finally then the DNA's who occupied the Angleland north of Watling Street, then the Norse who raided into and temporarily ruled the northern counties, then called Northumbria, and finally the Normans.

The Norman presence most strongly felt in the south and midland counties. But the Normans themselves were Frankicized Vikings, of Danish/Norwegian origin and mixed DNA.

Williams right flank at Hastings were Frankish/Frisian/German/Polish/ and even Moorish mercenaries. His left flank were Bretons, descendants of Brits who had either migrated before the Saxon invasion or fled to France in the wake of the Saxon invasion.

Scottish DNA (which is also British) is largely Pictish with an admixture of Norse. English DNA is Brythonnic, Celtic, Saxon, Angle, Jute, Dane and Norse.

But there really isn't such a thing as Norse or Dane DNA, because they run the gamut from haplogroup E to I2, I1, R1a, R1b.

There is one haplogroup that is decidely Norse, or rather New Norse, aka Norse Viking. Viking medieval English wicking, is not a people, more of an epithet/job description it meant sea raider or pirate.

Like British, there is no such thing as Viking DNA. Vikings were a hodgepodge of mostly Germanic Peoples, but represented within them were haplogroups of other peoples, like Slavs and even Arabs.

Vikings were Danish, Frisian, even Celtic,and then there were the Pictish Vikings from Orkney

But there was a particular "flavor" of Viking, whose ancestor was born north of Oslo: R-YP386 (R1a1a1b1a3b1b)  and probably it's parent clade of R-Z84  This clade has been identified as new Norse.

The result is that there really is no such thing as British DNA. I would guess that it's largest component is the Western Atlantic Modal (R1b1..and it's subclades), but there is Saxon, Danish whose major component is I1.

I think that it is an error and misleading to classify any DNA or haplogroup by modern political boundaries. The species is migratory and warring. Absorbing and obliterating peoples as it spreads across the planet. Our species is particularly good at wiping out other species, (including homo sapiens) making them extinct or a virtual genocide.

Take Haplotype E, for instance. It is found in greatest numbers in Africa, but Africa is simply a continent with a wide range of habitats and peoples. Home to caucasoids and negroids alike and all ranges and admixtures between.

You find E1b's in western Africa, Norhtern Africa and in the Balkans, not to mention Corsica and Sardinia. Napoleon was E1b.

Haplogroup R1a ranges, in small numbers, in Britain, Scandanavia, Germany, Italy to (larger numbers) the Indian Subcontinent.

R1b, is the dominant paternal haplogroup in Europe google Distribution of R1b in Europe

Compare that to the sparse representation of Distribution of R1a haplogroup in Europe.

No doubt that there are localized or relatively localized subclades that can definitely said to be ethnic in origin, but to determine that requires a mass testing of Big Y for SNP's (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms)

But ancestry.com and 23andme and FTDNA's Family Finder bases their ethnicity guesstimates on autosomal DNA, and auDNA has a tendency to be diluted and segements disappearing within as little as 6 or 7 generations. So in reality autosomal DNA is not even a reliable estimate.

Better yet is YDNA, and mtDNA. mtDNA mutates so slowly is passed down via the female line, males don't pass on mtDNA to sons, only to daughters, and mtDNA can be traced backwards tens of thousands of years, the same with YDNA.

Autosomal DNA, given that it washes or is diluted after at least 7 generations, what we are left with are self reported ethnic ancestries of those persons who claim this or that ancestry. And such claims are mostly made out of ignorance, at least for Americans of majority European ancestry.
So if British DNA looks 23% Irish to Ancestry, that's because their data is based on so many Americans claiming Irish ancestry they don't have.

Your comment was quite eye opening. Now, how on earth do I find my connection to Charlemagne? Huh?

Just a little joke,

Elizabeth McFadyen Robbins Riley

Sounds about  right..  I have no idea of the percentage of Americans with Irish ancestry.

It is my opinion that most knowledge of ancestral origins, outside of wikitree of coursewink, are simply family fables and guesses handed down through generations.

A prime example is the "Indian princess" myth. My granddmother even passed that on, but neither DNA nor diligent research could turn the myth into a fact. Yet my sister tried, in vain, to use the family myth to get her daughter a scholarship.

By the way, anyone who wants "official" recognition of their Indian (NA) ancestry, has to convince an existing tribe of that fact, and even the Cherokee closed their roles ages ago. Not to mention that the number of tribes like theSaponi, Monacan, Mandan have go extinct.

I have two maybe three such surnames in my ancestry. Whether they are Irish or Ulster Plantation refugees (Scots Irish) is unknown. I rather imagine that many Americans have at least one Irish ancestor, especially those whose majority ancestry is above the Mason Dixon Line, pretty much the same for German.  Those with Minnesota ancestry will find Norwegian and.or Finnish in their ancestry.

I do not think that anyone can really prove their descent to an ancestor, especially when you factor in so called "illegitimate" children.(By the way I abhor that term for there are no illegitimate persons, the term exists because the Church of Rome took unto itself the prerogative of recognizing marriages, hence offspring, as a way to enhance their power (and wealth).

Charlemagne had at least four wives, sans divorce, all approved by the Pope, and an untold number of concubines or mistresses.

His descendants are legion, but pale in comparison to those who descend from Genghis Khan.

Chances are if you have a familial history in Western Europe and England that stretches back 1,000 years or more you probably are a descendant of Charlemagne.

And as many have regrettably learned,those many royal and noble trees, are just so much fiction.  Political stability depended then on a continuity of male blood lineage, a king or noble who couldn't produce male offspring, thanks to the weakening of the Y sperm, via horseback riding, sports,and other activities that moderns know weaken the Ysperm (includes alcohol), then a blind eye was turned to births started outside the four postered bed, and in many instances actually encouraged by the King or nobles household.

The paternity of Richard III is a prime example.

But  having Charlemagne as an ancestor does nothing to elevate us above the "herd". His reign was expecially bloody, he was called Charles the Great by the Pope because he spread the Pope's influence via the sword. It is said that the Meuse ran red with blood, as Charlemagne beheaded 4,500 Saxon men, women and children which refused to bow their knee and be baptized.

And the Norwegian King Olaf, who was canonized by the Pope for Christianising Norway, is known as Olaf the bloody, as well as St Olaf, for he slaughtered all who would not be baptized, Even chasing them on the seas.

How different our expectations if  instead of Charles the Great he was known as Charles the bloody. And his massacre of the Saxons was only his last example. He Christianized Europe and created the "Holy Roman Empire" via unhampered use of the sword.

Much the same for William le betard conquerant. He had no use for England other than as a tax farm, to support his life style in Rouen, and to secure that wealth he slaughtered or caused the death of hundreds of thousands. He ravaged and raped Kent until met at Hastings, then in 1069 committed a virtual ethnic cleansing of the Northumbria (the modern northern counties of Endland in what is known as The Harrying of the North. To put down a rebellion by the Saxon barons of Mercia and York, and the House of Bamburg. Instead of just defeating them on a field of battle, he laid waste the countryside, slaughtering all animals, burning all crops and homes, and those who did not die by the sword, starved to death.

Bodies lay where they fell, providing a ravens and wolves feast, as there were none to bury them.

So extensive was the damage, that 17 years later in a 1086 survey, only 10,000 head could be counted in all of the north, and most of those were not the original population of Danes and Angles, but freemen and serfs imported from the south (Bretons and Saxons) to rebuild the tax base
Well said, Jennifer.
Hillarious - I have autosomal kits for dad and I - every single one is different.  Here is the range of what we have received

0-84% British
0-61% German
0-17% Russian
0-6 % Latvian
0-22% Scottish
0-57% Scandinavian
0-23 Italian
0-17% Basque
0-9% French

and as a J2-M172, my favorite 0-7% Adeygei

...not bad for an Irishman lol
Sorry - I wasnt clear - I meant I got something different with every company (as he also did ) but the numbers are mine

For my dad, he is either 0 to 40% Irish is his additional quirk.  Also with one of the companies, I got his 5 percent Latvian - but he didn't
Each testing company uses different criteria and different sized samples, hence different estimates of ethnicity.

It is all b.s. and frankly I fail to understand why people even spend money just to "discover" their ethnicity, unless there is a tad bit of elitism and racism as a motivator.

For some strange and unfathomable reason, a lot of people hope to prove that they are part AmerIndian, but the same folk would shudder to discover that they had African American ancestry. That is especially true in the Bass family line, which is dominated by haplgroups A, E and R1b

Here is an interesting anecdote.  

Around 1653, an African indentured servant who had taken the name Edward Mozingo, was released from his indenture given some land on Pantico Run, some seed and a weapon and is the patriarch of a family that today runs the gamut for Blacks to White, including some proud members of the KKK. Read:https://www.amazon.com/Fiddler-Pantico-Run-African-Descendants/dp/1451627483 and https://www.npr.org/2012/11/24/165512010/a-white-face-with-a-forgotten-african-family

Ironically one of his descendants is , an Alabama Judge.
Jennifer, I have read your posts here with fascination. You know your stuff and I like your attitude about the whole issue of what’s true in it’s deepest sense.

I, too, had a “Cherokee princess” myth, my wife, too, and neither panned out. The paper trail and DNA did not show it for either of us. I was pretty sure the myth was false, and set out just to prove it wrong. Not that I would have minded having a Amerindian descent, I just got tired of hearing all that unproven stuff. I still hear it from nearly every Southerner who’s not done the leg work to prove it one way or another.

Actually, when I had my DNA test, I was kinda hoping for at least something a little exotic. I don’t know how accurate the study was, but Sykes stated that descendants of slave owners (I have several ancestors who were slave owners) should probably look for an African trace, but no such luck. I was kinda hoping for that, too, as my ancestry is pretty bland. English and Scottish farmers nearly all. So, my DNA test was hoping to disprove one thing and hoping for another. (A side hobby for me is looking at other folks’ trees here and enjoying seeing all the different nationalities.)

Fortunately, my two daughters married two fellas that will add a new DNA dimension to my descendants. One has a Puerto Rican father, the other with mixed ancestry out of SE North Carolina. I’m excited, except more genealogy work for me!
Can't see how Sykes figured that.  Slave-owner's wife produces a brown baby, he's hardly likely to get away with passing it off as his own.

Hi RJ. I think you missed what Pip was saying.

Pip was saying "Sykes stated that descendants of slave owners (I have several ancestors who were slave owners) should probably look for an African trace, " Nothing about the child of a slave owner and a slave being passed off as white.

Planters routinely impregnated their slaves, as mulatto's brought a higher price on the market, and of course mulatto's were desirable sexual targets of planters, for sexual gratification and for economic purposes. Over time and eventually intermarriage, many wound up passing for white or rather they wound up as white (predominantly caucasian).

Actually such was the case with the descendants of Edward Mozingo, some went on to intermarry with caucasians, some went on to intermarry with persons of African ancestry. Thus Black Mozingo's and White Mozingo's

True in the case of one of my sons-in-law. In the 1800s one lines of his ancestry was “mulatto” in the census records in S. Carolina and the law at that time didn’t differentiate between degrees of Native American and African American. I think it likely that his line had a little of both, coming as they did from SE N. Carolina. This line moved a few counties over in SC and suddenly they appear as “white.” That’s what I meant about Southerners looking for those traces of mixed ancestry, and I think this is what Sykes was talking about. He also said that somewhere around 30% of African Americans would find European DNA.

Without endorsement on my part here is a link that might interest you: https://indianancestry101.wordpress.com/2017/06/12/indian-mulattoes-exceptions-that-defy-the-rule/

On July 15, 1833 the Quality Superior Court of Norfolk County entered the following minutes: “The Court doth certify upon satisfactory evidence of white persons produced before it, that Asa Price, Wright Perkins, Nathan Perkins, Pricilla Perkins, Nelson Bass, Willis Bass, Andrew Bass, William Bass son of William Bass,   Joseph Newton, and Henry Newton, & Allen Newton, Polly Newton, Sally Newton, & Hestor Newton are not free-Negroes or Mulattoes, but are of Indian descentand that each of them have a certificate separately thereof …”

Again on July 20, 1833, the same Court again addressed the issue of certain persons’ race:  “The Court doth certify upon satisfactory evidence of white persons produced   ;before it that Andrew Bass and Lavina his wife, Elizabeth Bass wife of William Bass son of William Bass, Jemima Bass Sr., Peggy Bass, Jemima Bass Jr., Elizabeth Lidwin, Mary Anderson, Priscilla Flury, Jerusha Bass the wife of ; William the son of Willis, Frances the wife of James Newton, Lucy Trummelwife of William Trummel, Andrew Bass Jr., Patsy Bass, William Bass, William Newton, Betsy Weaver, Nancy Weaver, and Sally Weaver, that they are not FreeNegroes or Mulattoes, but are of Indian descent and that each of them have a certificate separately thereof…”

Even withstanding these public declarations by the County Court, the same individuals named above were recorded as “M” in the 1850 census and beyond.

Fauquier County, Virginia

The 1860 census of Fauquier County, Virginia, Thoroughfare Post Office includes the entry for Lydia E. Cole, who is marked as “M” in the race column and the enumerator handwrote “Indian descent” beside the entry.

Robeson County, North Carolina

In 1857, William Chavis was arrested and charged as “a free Negro” with carrying a shotgun, a violation of North Carolina state law. Chavis was convicted but promptly appealed on the legal basis that he was “of Indian descent” and thus “a free person of color” not subject to the restrictions of “free negros”. The appeals Court reversed the lower Court, finding that “Free persons of color may bethen, for all we can see, persons colored by Indian blood…”

Though William Chavis fought hardily to prove that he had no “Negro ancestors”, he still appeared on the 1850, 1860, and 1870 census with the familiar “M” in the race column.

Excellent stuff. It confirms much of what I know of Jxxxx’s ancestry. Census takers didn’t care. They just put down whatever they thought, whether the law was applied in each case or not. Really good digging, Jennifer. You’re sharp.

Jennifer, just for you....

A census taker told his wife he was off and would be back late as he had to go up into Balsam Grove (Transylvania County, NC). He came back around noon. His wife asked him why he was home so early. “Well,” he responded, “I got up nearly to Balasm Grove, and came to his little path, and I thought I oughta take it. Well, there was a home up there, and the man said he was so-and-so Galloway. He said there were several more homes up this rugged little path, so I headed up. The next home was so-and-so McCall. And the next was so-and-so Galloway. The next one was so-and-so McCall, and ‘bout halfway up that path I came to a shack. A man came to the door, and when I asked him what his name was, he said, ‘Galloway McCall.’ So, I quit and came home.” There probably is some truth to this story, it’s so popular up here.

About your surname. I have a large line of collateral Farrars who pronounced their surname with emphasis on the first syllable, fair’ uh. One of these, my second cousin, became a preacher and ended up in a church in Culpepper, Virginia, where they pronounced it with emphasis on the second, fuh rar’. He finally gave in when he couldn’t get them to say it his way. 

Hilarious anecdote, and totally believable , especially in the backwoods of the south where endogamy is a way of life.

I've done exhaustive research on the pronunciation of my surname.It varies from community to community, state to state, region to region.

I don't know to phonetically display all of the variations.

I received this from a wealthy English kinsmen, albeit very distant kin,

apart from obvious regional accents I would argue there are two main pronunciations here in the UK; the differences are probably slightly class based and whether you view the name as aristocratic/french in origin or common/english

 they two variations would be:

 Faar-raarh or faar-reer with emphasis on the vowels

fa-rerr or fa-rarr with short guttural stops and emphasis on the er or ar at the end

 I pronounced it Fairer when I lived in the south, but Far Rar in the north, with pronunciation of the final R, not the slurring of ah,  uh or ow as you might hear in Massachusetts or the south..

In the military it is pronounced FarRar (again the final R has a definite R sound). My Dad was a Marine, retired from the service, and though born and raised a Fairuh, he pronounced the name the way that he used and heard it in the Marines.  

This tends to be the way the name is pronounced in the North (South of New England) and on the west coast..

I always answer to anything reasonable, and when asked how to pronounce I reply"your choice".

Anway sorting through census and legal documents in pursuit of a paper trail can be frustrating, and if a sense of humor, entertaining.

So many variations of spelling of all kind, but the simplest of names.

In 1780's Pittsylvania County, VA there is an Indenture in which members of my family sold their inheritance, one of the members, the oldest was tutored before his father died, and thus could read and write, his younger siblings were not and thus were illiterate.

This document has the parties and witnesses spelling their names Farrar and Farrow, and in two cases the same person spelled two ways.

In subsequent documents the name was spelled Farrow until they reached Alabama and filed Homestead claims, apparently aided by an educated cousin, (the son of the educated older brother of their father) they filled out the paper work by spelling their names Farrar.

One needs an understanding of the culture, the times, the region to make sense of it all.

The white descendant of a slave-owner and a slave wouldn't know he was descended from a slave-owner unless he knew the whole story.  He'd hardly need to be told to look for a bit of African.

The advice seemed to be that a person of supposedly all-white descent, on finding a slave-owner in his tree, should look for a trace of African.  But how would that happen?
True enough, but we don't know what family history is passed down the generations. In the days before electronic media, and in the rural areas where print media was scarce or a luxury.  Family history was passed down generation to generation, including names of long gone ancestors, uncles, aunts cousins, especially as they hovered around the fireplace on a cold winters evening.

Such was my life in southeast Arkansas. In the evening with quilts wrapped our shoulders, and rotating like pigs on a spit aournd the pot belly stove in the living room, my grandmother regaled us with jokes, gossip and more important family history as passed on to her. She was born in 1882, yet I learned from her as though it was yesterday, of two cousins caught spying on the Federals around Vicksburg, chased home, hid in the barn, flushed out and shot down as they ran across the field.

I heard the story of my 3rd great grandfather Sion B Sanders, a doctor in a wagon train on it's way to Texas in 1836, when it hauled up at the ferry crossing at Rodney, MS (now a ghost town as old Miss changed her course) because of an outbreak of cholera in St Joseph on the opposite bank, of how an emissary of St Jo, having heard there was a doctor in the wagon train,  was sent over to ask for help. Dr Sanders, obliged, but came down with cholera himself, as he lay dying he told his wife to turn around and go back home to Leake County, MS.

She relayed these tales with detail as though it were fresh in her mind, and that is how generation to generation the mother was the family historian, could re create family Bibles and people knew details of their families history, as well as names of long dead ancestors and relatives.

9 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

From https://support.ancestry.com/s/article/Viewing-Ethnicity-Results-from-AncestryDNA-US-1460088591488-2556 :

Predicting ethnicity: To discover where you come from, we compare your DNA to the DNA of people with known origins from around the world. This group of people is called our DNA Reference Panel.

 . . .

References panel: The AncestryDNA reference panel is a database of 3,000 DNA samples from people selected for their deep regional roots and documented family trees.

So seems likely that they take segments of your DNA results and then look to see which region's modal values your segment matches up best with and then say that segment comes from that region. I'm not sure how meaningful these results are, particularly if you are assigning a segment to, say, Great Britain, which is clearly a mix of peoples from various other places. Almost as silly as if they had created a region called "American" and assigned a % to that.

by Chase Ashley G2G6 Pilot (312k points)
selected by Living Horace

I found this rather enlightening. Especially how few people are actually used in the panel. Other companies might have even smaller databases.

For now I would take any ethnicity predictions with a grain of salt, since they can vary a lot depending on the company you use. For instance here are my results for FTDNA and MyHeritage (for all practical purposes my ancestors are all Dutch, so FTDNA got closest):

FTDNA: 74% west+central Europe, 15% Scandinavian, 11% British Isles

MyHeritage: 58.6% Scandinavian, 22.4% Iberian, 19% British

+6 votes
I'm in the UK and did my Ancestry DNA test a couple of years ago ( also done my mum's, children's and step dad's DNA with Ancestry) Initially their ethnicity estimates were very broad as they hadn't refined their matching pool, however they are refining and updating their estimates, which are now getting closer to expected percentages.

However - they are still estimates - and most of the UK was invaded by Europeans at some point, so it is expected for the estimates to reflect that.
by Michelle Wilkes G2G6 Pilot (169k points)
I have also found that there is a large cross-over between Scotland and Scandinavia, and a lot of crossing between West Scotland & Ireland - which accounts for the previously high Scandinavian and Irish estimates..with the new updates my amounts of Irish and Scandinavian has decreased (I'm a quarter Scottish).
Michelle, I’ve got that kind of dna , too, and am waiting for the refinement. My %sges haven’t moved, yet. When they say Scottish, what in the dickens is that supposed to mean? Just like you said, it can also mean Irish and Scandinavian. And even a little Saxon in the southeast, too.
On 23 and me my ancestry is apparently 59% British and Irish, UK..The rest , broadly  N.W European ,French/German, Scandinavian,  Europea  and then an odd 0.1% Ashkanazi Jewish.

Both parents were born within 40 miles of each other as were all but one line (which ventures into Wales) for the past 200 years. The paper trail, at least on my mother's side seems to be confirmed by matches with common ancestors.

My fathers DNA was also tested. He had far less Scandinavian than my mother. My slightly tongue in cheek response is that his ancestors came from the west of Watling St ie not in the Danelaw  and my mothers from the east. (In the Danelaw)

But then my husband has 62% British and Irish.He has half the amount of French/German to me. One of his gg grandfathers was an immigrant from Prussia
The Danes (what are often called Vikings) raided into and settled in England, mainly the east coast, and especially the north which the Angles called the Kingdom of Northumbria, today Yorkshire, Durham, and Northumberland)

Norse Vikings raided and settled into Northern Scotland,  Orkney and the Shetlands and from their into the Western Isles and Ireland, settling in the black swamp, (Dublin), and from there back into southern Scotland (Galloway) and up the river Clyde, then overland into Northumbria. Were in York Kingship swung between Norse and Danes.

I recommend this Book:https://www.amazon.com/Scandinavian-Britain-W-G-Collingwood/dp/B002ZRQC44/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1533045804&sr=8-1&keywords=scandinavian+Britain

and this  as well:

+5 votes

Knew I wasn't average...

My DNA (done with Ancestry) says I'm 88% British, with bits and pieces of % in other countries, the largest being 3% in Ireland/Scotland/Wales. (?)

Living DNA says I'm 92.3% British/Irish, the rest from 'Europe'.  And 31.5% of that is from Devon, and 12.7% from Cornwall.  I *knew* there was a reason I liked clotted cream... laugh

by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (1.9m points)
Hello Ros, glad to see I'm not the only one with what I had begun to think of as an "unusually" high percentage of British.  Got mine a year and a half ago from Ancestry and spent a bit of time trying to figure it out.  All of my lines that I have traced got here before the Revolution and I figured there would be more of an average mix in that time period.  I have wondered if it has something to do with most of them having come into southern colonies and working their way across the south to Texas.  Wierd but interesting.
Art, Wilbur Cash in The Mind of the South made a statement that would back up your comment about clannish movement across the South.
Hi Ros

My Heritage makes me what I see as an almost impossible 99.2% English - no Irish or Scottish. Oh and the other 0.8% is South American. Must be the most pure breed Englishman in the world. I say man because I did manage a female match that had the exact same mixutue.
+5 votes

I guess that makes me above average then RJ smiley

Ancestry reckons I am 92% Great Britain. That is based on the 3000 reference populations, so I expect it will change when the update to 16000 rererence populations gets rolled out to my account. 

by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (673k points)
+5 votes
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (704k points)
But how does this apply?  Who is supposed to have mixed with who to produce this average modern Brit?  And in what sense could they be described as 36% British, 23% Irish etc, as opposed to 40% North European, or any other breakdown you could make up off the top of your head?  What are the numbers saying if they can't tell us what they mean?

If I get my numbers, what will I know?  Will I be any the wiser?  Will I have got value for money?
It has been my experience that admixture has little meaning (and is next to useless) for genealogy. Admixture gets an inordinate amount of attention.
Hear hear.
Marketing hype driven by greed not science.
+5 votes
You have to keep in mind here in the UK we have been invaded by waves of different  peoples and some of that DNA still exists in the current UK population. With Dane law a  great deal of the country was rulled by " Vikings" and it still shows in peoples DNA, We had the same with  Saxons  and when the Romans invaded there were many different people from around the Republic and then the Empire here.I found that the best DNA company for British Isles testing is Living DNA and matches more with my paper trail . It breaks down where in the UK  your ancestors are likely to have come from  in the 8-10 generations.Just my opinion - I'm sure others will differ
by Norma Farnhell G2G5 (5.2k points)
+3 votes
FT DNA said I was 72% British (And 22% East European but I think that's wrong).

My Heritage was better. They said I am 75% Irish/Scottish/Welsh and 22% Scandinavian - which matches the Scotttish and Orkney ancestry that the paper trail says I have.

 So where's all my English ancestry? I do have several lines from the west country.

I might need to consider Living DNA to get an accurate estimate.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+2 votes

The annoying thing is that there is no meaning without dates to the reference samples. There is guaranteed to be some stage when the population of Britain was zero.

At the extremes, I can use GEDMatch to give me some numbers that tell me I am 25% from mammoth hunters around Lake Baikal (should I choose to interpret admixture that way).

 At the other extreme we can look at the People of the British Isles project, which created a reference sample set from only a small number of generations ago.

In my recorded history (mostly late 1700's) I am one eighth from Aberdeenshire and the rest from a region from West Midlands to Yorkshire.

Ancestry offers me two "Ethnicity" views: the first says I am 62% "Great Britain", (which somehow covers all of the Netherlands and most of Belguim) together with 32% west Europe. I take that to mean we might be looking at 1000 years ago, or is it 4000?  Their help says it covers possibly "hundreds to thousands" of years ago

But buried in that is a focus on "Northern England and the Midlands" and "Wales and the West Midlands", with no percentages. These fit very well with my known tree. These are their "genetic communities"

If I then click on "1800" in the timeline I get these two regions highlighted with lots of circles.  It looks like Ancestry have used their extensive DNA database and selected ancestries to make their own approximate PoBI dataset. One question is - did they rely on customers' own trees? That might explain why some of the "Wales and West Midlands" circles are in London and Kent.

And I have finally worked out that these circles are not locations of ancestral people that my DNA matches, but are probably locations at that time of the ancestors of the people whose DNA was identified in that reference cluster.

So, for me there seems to be some value in their genetic community analysis, although in my case it is only confirming what I already knew.

by Cameron Davidson G2G6 (7.6k points)
And Cameron, I’d say that is about exactly how my DNA was interpreted by Ancestry, without the localization.
+4 votes

Another reason Brits should consider a DNA test.  More than 100,000 British orphaned children were sent to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Many of their families are searching for family connections with little or no information.  Your DNA might be that missing link. 


by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (249k points)

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