WW II research guide

+16 votes
The National WWII Museum has published a guide for researching WWII records entitled “Researching American Military and Civilian Records from World War II,” available at


To quote: “Through this 35-page guide, readers can find a checklist of what is needed to make a request for obtaining a relative’s records; the book even contains a pair of sample forms filled out to show exactly what should be noted in the request. The guide also includes instructions on how to use those records to find more information based on a veteran’s unit, ship, or command.” From the Summer 2018 issue of V...-MAIL, a publication of the museum, p 8.
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.9m points)
Thank you for bringing this to the attempntion of the WikiTree community!
More than happy to, George.

2 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
Thanks for the info..... slight typo in the link  (museum spelled incorrectly)   (I can't believe the incredible Pip could have a typo!....... OK, OK  I'm just envious of all his talents.)
by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (493k points)
selected by Pip Sheppard
Hahaha! You should see how many times I’ve corrected a typo in my own bio. Ridiculous.
Wait till you get to my age with my eyesight, then see the typo's! Lol
So far, the eyes have held. It’s the fat fingers and working too fast.

Your age? Shaun, you’re still in the youth group.
Hey Pip, 51 and yeh I don't feel old as a matter of fact I am still strong as a bull. But the truth is the eyesight is going, I have Glycoma so I don't know when, it will give up eventually but for now all still good. I have seen a lot of my friends from school and they are in a bad way so I think I am still fit and sexy, hey I even like what I see in mirror! I don't think I've aged badly at all!

An I'm a fighter so I won't give up that easy!

HEY,   I noticed you guys left me out of the age question.  devil    I'm proud to say I'm 64, because then I seem to get away with more.   (Or maybe that's because I'm retired)..... I got a jolt today when I received email saying it was time for my annual review  (YIKES ..... I thought those days were passed me)..... What a relief to see it was from my investment broker.  

While I have a smart phone  (always too cheap for an IPhone),   it's not a friend.   Such a small screen.  Who would want to text when a keyboard let's all fingers fly?

Haha! Peggy, no one is retired if they are a member of the WikiTree Community!

If you want to see a pic I took of myself just last week, visit my profile! devil

51, huh Shaun? You a baby! Gotcha by 9.

I'd recognize you anywhere.cool  

Haha thanx Pip!

Welcome to the club Peggy.

This looks like the perfect place to interject the quote I stole from Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark

"It's not the years, honey. It's the mileage."

but I modded it to

"It's not the AGE it's the MILEAGE!"

+3 votes

I found the following site from an entry for a "stolpersteine" or "stumbling stone", which is an interesting project in itself.

On the 1st October, 2002, STIWOT took the initiative to comply with the massive requests for information about sights and places of interest related to the Second World War. With the support of volunteers and visitors TracesOfWar.com has in the following years been developed into one of the most important sources on the World Wide Web when it concerns museums, monuments, memorials, cemeteries and other places of interest regarding the Second World War in Europe and beyond.

by Living Rocca G2G6 Mach 6 (65.5k points)
You find the coolest sites, Santino!

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