The Hurlbut Genealogy by Henry H. Hurlbut includes a Flora Hurlbut (#1927) daughter of Robert Hurlbut born in Torrington, CT 18 June 1784 or 5, and Sophia White. Robert's ancestors are Levi, Elijah, Thomas, Steven, and Thomas.
Rootsweb includes information for Flora Hurlbut entered by Linda Janke
Linda Janke's husband replied that the date of birth, 24 June 1814 was included in a year 2000 Gedcom file by a woman named Charlotte, whose address at that time was (which now appears inactive). Charlotte's husband is a Hurlbut descendant.
I'm trying to establish if she is the same person as my gg grandmother Flora Matilda (unknown maiden name) born in Torrington, CT, wife of Francis Hulett married about 1833 and had their first child Percy J. Hulett born 17 Sept 1834 in Clay County, MO.
The date of birth for Flora Matilda was recorded in a family Bible by a granddaughter, years after the death of Flora Matilda and could be in error.
Any assistance you can provide that would help prove or disprove this case is appreciated.