Looking for Vol XI of Van Buren County (TN) Historical Journal

+3 votes
This county had a fire back in 2015, and their historical records building was a total loss.

I am reaching out to see if anyone has a copy of this journal so that I can get a copy of page 36. Or I'd be willing to buy a copy if you know where I can obtain one.
WikiTree profile: Levi Drake
in Genealogy Help by Yvonne Gammell G2G6 Mach 1 (18.5k points)
I did some searching and found nothing with this title. Is this the exact title of the journal? There is a Van Buren Ciunty Historical Society; perhaps they may be able to help.
When I Google that title I get this list: http://tngenweb.org/vanburentn/vbchsjtoc.html

I tend to think this the exact title.

I will try contacting that HS, but as I mentioned, there are newspaper articles about the fire this historical society had back in 2015, and those articles detailed how all records were lost in the fire (except for a couple of books).

I was hoping to find someone who might have been in possession of a copy prior to the fire.

Thanks for checking. I appreciate the help.

Have you ever seen ANSEARCHIN NEWS, put out by the Tennessee Historical Society ?  Free back issues. PDF download. Searchable


Very cool! I will look into this deeper. I appreciate the reference. Thanks! Yvonne
Did you ever get a copy of the page you were looking for?
No. I did not.

1 Answer

+4 votes
I saw your post and I thought I could help.  I go to our genealogy center and I knew that we might have a copy, and sure we did. I located the Van Buren County Historical Journal and vol. 11 page 36 and I copied the page, If you want I can mail it to you.  I cannot scan it because my printer is down. I am not sure what you want with it, but there is nothing mention of a fire. So send your address to my email and I will put it in the mail to you. Thanks Nancy
by Nancy Turney G2G6 Mach 3 (34.0k points)
If you are wanting information on Levi Drake then I can search Van Buren County to find other records.  Please let me know and I will see while I am here if there is any information on Levi Drake.  Thanks, Nancy
As I understood it, there is supposed to be the mention of a bastardy case involving LM (Levi Murphy) Drake, Eliza Dickey, and Uriah Drake. I mention it on Levi's wikitree page.

If that is true, then yes, I'd appreciate anything you find on the Drakes (or Dickeys) in those records.

I'd be happy to reimburse you for your time. I appreciate your help so much. Thanks! Yvonne
Yes it does mention the case right at the top of the page.  I didn't know his birth date or Elizabeth Dickey's but I did do some research and I may have found some things but not sure if they belong  to your family. But I will go back either tomorrow or Saturday and do more research. I just to love to do the research,.  We have so many books that I know that I have not been thru all of them but I am working on it.  I will go to Levi Drake's page and see what I can find out. Just let me know when you want me to mail it to you.   Thanks Nancy

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