Is anyone else having a problem adding a "copy & paste" to a G2G comment?

+12 votes
Just trying to answer someone and add a link to a project page, but can't seem to get it to work. Is this just my mouse/computer? Or has there been a change on G2G?
in WikiTree Tech by Dave Rutherford G2G6 Pilot (142k points)

Here is the post announcing the recent update to the G2G software:

If you use a keyboard, you will want to learn the shortcuts:

copy = Ctrl+c

paste = Ctrl+v

Your browser may also have some shortcut links built into it.

Portable devices are still a problem, I don't know if they have any shortcuts. Other WikiTreers will have to advise you (and other portable device users) on their functionality.

Post back if you need additional help, Dave - and anyone else!

That works!

One of the keyboards I have owned was retired when the C key wore out - it just fell off one day.
I have noticed an issue with control c and control v for copy and paste where the frame is hard to scroll. If I go to a line and add a space then delete it, the issue goes away. And now I can scroll up and down the profile again. This is on an iPad.

3 Answers

+14 votes
Those of us, that use an Android tablet, lost the ability to paste in this comment box with the upgrade.  Are you using a tablet or is the problem affecting other computer types?
by Patricia Roche G2G6 Pilot (916k points)
edited by Patricia Roche
I am just using my desk top. With Firefox Browser and Windows 7.
+6 votes
Hi Dave, just Hold down the Ctrl key and right click the mouse, it brings up an option to paste, yes there has been a recent change on G2G data
by Shaun Doust G2G6 Pilot (363k points)

Yes, this works too.


Pleasure buddy, enjoy!
+1 vote
How come this six-year-old known bug has not been fixed yet?

Can something be done? Or at least include a warning message somewhere?

I am doing most of my WT work on an Android device and learned about this bug the hard way today.

I lost all text I had written as I could not copy it when I needed to check a guideline and get the link to that guideline. But after returning to a blank page and rewriting all the text, I could neither paste the guideline quote I wanted to refer to, nor the link to it.

This is over all a very strange forum format; and the only forum I have used since the 1990s where basic copy and paste don't work. It is a severe communication limitation.
ago by Helena Dalroth G2G5 (5.9k points)

I agree.

 I get around it by pasting  into the link box, so it ends up as below.

http://Here are examples of source citations that don't meet the minimum specificity needed to identify a particular source: "Find-A-Grave" "FamilySearch" "Personal records" "Family Bible" Here are examples of source citations that would be sufficiently specific: "Find-A-Grave Memorial #1234" "FamilySearch profile ABCD-123" "Unsourced family tree handed down to X" "Family Bible owned by X currently in the possession of Y"

 I immediately  unlink ( can't do it afterwards as you can't highlight),  remove the https, and then often  need to format. It works but it is a faff and takes time. 

As the first post says, it used to be possible to use the cut and paste function  on an Android on G2G. We got the function back for a while but then it went again

I'm confused... Can you help me to understand your problem?  On my Android phone (with the Gboard keyboard), I just copied something.  Then I went to this box on G2G (the editor on this page).  Tapping into the box, the virtual keyboard came up.  There, the central first thing at the top of the keyboard was the paste icon.  I hit that and it pasted the text into the box.  I've just gone back to it now and the paste icon is not there, but it's two taps away (on my phone).  The clipboard icon is top-centre of the keyboard.  I hit that and it has my clipboard history ready to paste into the box.  If the clipboard icon is not there, there's a thing with four little squares in the top left.  Hit that, then 'Text editing', and there's a paste button.   
What's the problem...?

Thank you, both Helen Ford and Ian Beacall.

I am using an Android phone with a built in physical keyboard. The tiny bottom screen bar with the paste icon, smiley options etc that normally appears when I go from general surfing to clicking in the address field or an in an input text box simply does not appear. I suppose the system of my device does not recognize the text box as a text box. But the link box work around method seems to work! smiley

However, I can still not cut or copy parts of the text that I am currently writing in the main text input box (saving for posting later, changing order of paragraphs etc). I can _mark_ anything I want, but the floating bar that normally appears after marking a piece of text (with copy/cut out etc alternatives) simply does not appear. 

It do appear when I mark text I have written in the link box fields (meaning my device recognizes these as proper text boxes), but that is not of any practical use as I don't write my main text there.

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