I am trying to trace them from Pennsylvania in the 1700s back to Germany, England, Switzerland and Sweden.

+3 votes
in Genealogy Help by Dave Kaufmann G2G5 (5.6k points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
Dave, you’ve got to give us who you’re talking about. Do you have a profile or profiles for us to look at? If no profile, you’ll have to post the info here.

Happy hunting!
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
I'm trying to add a file from my original tree on another site. It is more compete. Can you see my list of people?
No, we cannot see it. However, you may find you will get a better response if you just ask about your brick walls individually rather than providing a list. Since your profile is red privacy we cannot easily see your branches of the tree on here, so the easiest would be just to provide a link to a profile that you are stuck on.
+3 votes
I hope you post a link to the profiles you are talking about. I have several lines that go from Germantown, PA to Germany and Switzerland via the Mennonites. These are the Bossert and Grubb lines and were involved in some of the first paper mills built in the Colonies. The countries you mention and the timeframe sound very much like Mennonites as they were moving around from persecution.
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (517k points)

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