unlisted profiles causing duplication

+10 votes

Well now I'm pulling my hair out, not that I have any! please help, cant search for duplicate, cause profiles unlisted, cant request merge either. My cousin has requested  access to my trusted list and I am quite happy to give him the ridgway family, but I see he has gone and duplicated all the Ridgway profiles. duplicate need to be rectified before I grand any acces. Please can someone help me here? I didn't wan't to bring this to G2G, but now I don't have an option!

Unlisted Profile Privacy Level: Unlisted (Black) Ridgway-505 managed by Graham Ridgway

Graham T. Ridgway 1960s - Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow) Ridgway-502 managed by Graham Ridgway Active member29 ancestors

Graham Trevor Ridgway 08 Dec 1966 Durban Kzn South Africa Privacy Level: Unlisted (Black) Ridgway-408 edit managed by Shaun Doust 

in Policy and Style by Shaun Doust G2G6 Pilot (365k points)
edited by Lynda Crackett
My entire branch of Doust wiki family tree is being duplicated!
[[Doust-100|Robert Henry Doust]] already exists, managesd by [[Doust-98|Shaun Doust]] Whats going on here?
Send a PM to a leader or two.
Thanx Herbert I have done that, still waiting for response, maybe time zone difference
All you can do, if you can't get your cuz to stop on your own.  Good luck!
Thanx Herbert, doesn't make a difference to my profiles, just gets my blood boiling, cause it is against the Wiki policy.

Shaun, although it's kind of drastic action, if he has not responded to your contact attempts and is continuing to create duplicates, if you catch it while it's happening you can report it to the rangers, who can put an immediate stop to the duplicate creation.  The following statement is on their project page:

If you notice spam or vandalism and it needs urgent attention, please e-mail WikiRangers --at-- GoogleGroups.com right away.

Thanx Gaile, it is not spam or vandalism at all. Just someone who does not know what he is doing, he is a newbee and definatly needs help, where are the wiki members who are supposed to help him find his way around?

No personal dig at anyone, but we can not allow members to create multiple duplicates. I have been on at this for a good few hours and no one has stepped forward to take any action. I went to problems with members and it is so un-user friendly that it might aswell not even exist. It seems to  be a bunch of questions about why do you have a problem, but it does not allow me to request an intervention to this problem. maybe if I was an IT wizard then I would understand what they are on about. so in my opinion, problems with members is a waste of time. I just give up, members must just carry on making duplicates, as long as I don't give them trusted status or accept their merge requests then my profiles are safe.
Moved to Answer.

2 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
Shaun, it looks like your cousin just got out ahead of his potential helpers.  The rapid creation of multiple duplicates maybe indicates he's importing GEDCOM profiles?  When you need a quick response to an immediate problem, I think you just have to go directly to the people with the tools to deal with it.  You've done that.  It's Sunday and they are volunteers, so they probably won't jump right on it.  Meanwhile, the damage is done, but it can all be fixed.  Unfortunately, the cleanup makes unnecessary extra work for people.

As Lynda noted, your question and initial comments do name the accused, which is strongly frowned upon.  You should take care of that, lest you become the bad guy here.

Don't WikiTree angry.  Deep breath.  Beverage of your choice.  No such thing as a genealogical emergency.
by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (786k points)
selected by Pip Sheppard
Thanx buddy, its not a gedcom, check out the profiles, No sources!I I asked him 2 years ago to help me as his mum, my Aunt is the only living sibling of my father and he never bothered, now he comes to Wikitree and starts making duplicates, not acceptable and against Wiki policy. I'm, mad right now, but mostly cause no one has been able to come forward an help me resolve this issue, shure problems with members are there etc. etc. but if a member doesn't get any satisfaction from them, what happened to all the well experienced Wiki members who could step in and help with this situation? I'm not looking for advice, I am looking for help!
I get it.  Trouble is, experience is not enough to help you.  You need a 'more equal' member with the necessary superpowers to take action.  Their response can be frustratingly slow, like next-day slow.  You posted the issue here 6 hours ago, and you said you reached out to the Leaders.  That's really all you or any mere mortal member can do.  Sorry, that's WT.
Thanks for the star, Pip!
Thanx Herbert, hahahaaaa! yes you are so right
+8 votes

The first step should be to contact your cousin, explain the issue and ask him to stop. If that does not help then you should follow the process for dealing with problems with members. You should also remove identifying information about your cousin from your G2G post.

by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (696k points)
Thank you Lynda I am going to do that right now, was just trying to avoid a family conflict, but now there is no choice
hi Lynda yes thank you, I have contacted him an explained everything. I am not sure what you mean by, remove identifying information about my cousin from G2G?

I did try to contact him about this and also seek advice via email to various highly accredited members, however as no one has been able to assist in rectifying this unethical addition of data, I found no option but to bring it to G2G. Still no one has been able to help resolve the problem of duplication, Hey I really don'd care if he duplicates Ridgway profiles, as a mater of fact I am considering removing myself as manager and making them adoptable, but when someone starts duplicating Doust profiles then that's where I draw the line! Not acceptable. I have worked, hours, days, months, years and I won't stand for that
Shaun, it is against Wikitree policy to name the parties in a conflict in G2G posts. You can ask for advice about how to deal with something without giving names. The problem resolution process allows for confidentiality in such matters.
Thank you Lynda I really appreciate your response and loyalty to Wikitree Policy. I did start this entire querry on email without much response, an it was an absolute las resort to bring it to G2G. While a member is duplicating his own family even though I am the PM, I can tolerate that, but when they start duplicating my birth name, my profiles, that is not acceptable. Is it not against Wikitree policy to knowingly duplicate profiles? the whole day no one has come forward with much good advise, and when they refer me to problems with members, well that is just a total waste of time, unless you own a degree in IT, you will not be able to use that option. I am now totally exhausted from this experience and I will now remove myself from the situation and it is up to Wikitree if they pursue it or allow members to create duplicates.
Sorry Lynda, I am Just venting, You have no idea how mad I am right now, It is by no means a dig at you or anyone specific, I am most greatfull to you and everyone who has responded to my pleight and tried to help. I'm just very disappointed in the big knobs in Wikitree who have the orthority to do something and haven't stepped forward.
As Herbert has suggested try to take a deep breath and don't Wikitree when angry. Remember that the people who can help you are volunteers and that there are time zone differences to take into account. I will add the Mentors tag to your question to try to attract the attention of someone who can step in and help.
Thanx Lynda, sorry it is clearly the Virgo thing, very short fuse, says it as it is, no beating around the bush and no tact, just want everything to run smoothly like clockwork
probably doesn't help that it's also a holiday weekend/week here in the U.S. ...
AND it looks like graham is starting to merge the duplicates.
Haha thank you jillaine, yes I am going to merge the Doust profiles, then hand over management of Ridgway prifiles to Graham and he can then sort out his own duplicates, will be a good learning experience for him.

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