Who is John Wyatt’s Daddy?!?

+4 votes
I need help pinning down the father of John Wyatt born 1828 in North Carolina. He moved to Tennessee with his family by 1830 (as seen in census) and he married Martha Moyers.

I have seen his parents listed as John and Sarah OR James and Millie but none provide credible/reliable sources and/or documents to support the information.

In fact, his Wikitree profile, Wyatt-4793, lists findagrave.com as the only source. I love the site but it is not entirely reliable.

I would love your help!
WikiTree profile: John Wyatt
in Genealogy Help by Amanda Croy G2G Crew (530 points)
In the 1820 census for Buncombe County there is NO James Wyatt. There is a John Wyatt
The John and Sarah Wyatt parents would have been in their late 50s when John L. was born 1828. Probably not his parents.
Most censuses at that time and area didn't list children, only the head of household and a count of persons in the home. It's possible his parents lived in a different county or farther 8 years prior to his birth. It's also possible to father a child in your 50s but not as likely for a mother to give birth at that age. It's got to be one of the two....I'm hoping to somehow find actual documentation of his parents, not just speculation.

2 Answers

+3 votes
I saw your post and I thought I could help.   But I didn't think it would be very difficult.  But then I remembered that I went thru google.com  sometimes to really find things. So I did and I believe that it is Francis Julian Wiatt or Wyatt.  Go to google.com and bring up Wiatt Family Bible 1776-1859/   I also went to familysearch and found this:    1850 Morgan County, Morgan. Tenn.

James Wyatt age 52 - N.C. ---  Millia Wyatt - age 45 -  S.C. -spouse.  -----Sarah Wyatt - age 24 -NC  ------John Wyatt -age 22 -NC ----------Jacob Wyatt - age 20 --Tenn.  ---Alfred -age 17 Tenn, -------Nancy J -age 16 -Tenn.-----Mary E. -age 14 Tenn;----Melinda -age 12 -Tenn.-----Matila Wyatt - age 10 -Tenn,  ----Sampson Wyatt -age 8 Tenn.  ---Hiram Wyatt -age 6 Tenn. ------Jepe Wyatt -age 4 Tenn.  -------- James E Wyatt -- age 2 - Tenn,  -----Elyah   Wyatt - age 6 Tenn                                                  

1860 Cumberland, Tennessee

John Wyatt - age 32 -NC -----Martha A. M. Wyatt  -age 24 Tennessee. ---Milly C, Wyatt - age 5 -Tenn. ----------- Jane A  Wyatt -age 3 -Tenn.  ---Mary E Wyatt - age 1 Tenn.

1870 Tennessee

John Wyatt -age 42 - NC---------Martha A Wyatt -age 32 Tenn. ----Emila C Wyatt - age 15 Tenn. -- James A  Wyatt - age 13 Tenn. ----Mary E Wyatt -  age 11 -Tenn ---Sabrina Wyatt - age 9 Tenn, -----Jacob D Wyatt - age 7 -Tenn ------Joseph R Wyatt -age 3 Tenn ------John Wyatt -age 1 Tenn.

1880 Dist 2, Bledsoe Tennessee

John Wyatt - age 52 born about 1828 NC -Farmer, Male, -----Martha Wyatt -age 43 Tenn -  Sabrine J Wyatt -age 19 Tenn----Jacob D Wyatt age 16 Tenn,  -------Joseph R Wyatt  age 13 Tenn. -------John :L Wyatt -age 11 -Tenn. -----Rosie A Wyatt  - age 8 Tenn ------William J Wyatt -age 5 Tenn ------Herschel Wyatt -age 2 Tenn.  -----Daisy I Moyers - Niece -age 1 -Tenn,    

I did find some marriage licenses but nothing definite. I am going to the genealogy center today maybe I can find more there.  I will let you know what I find.  Thanks, Nancy
by Nancy Turney G2G6 Mach 3 (32.9k points)
+2 votes
Just a thought .... Check the local newspaper archives. I found this useful in finding more than one member of my tree when I actually searched for just one... It led me to finding others.
by Barbara Cooper G2G5 (5.5k points)

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