Thank so you much for nice clear instructions on how to identify new matches, but what i have is a pile of very good matches for which i have multiple MRCAs. No doubt the cousins and I are all descended from all of the MRCAs - there is no reason to doubt these trees--this family connection has been well documented, although there are possibly additional, as yet undocumented, lines of descent from the same set of ancestors. What i am trying to do is pin down which chromosome segments came from which particular ancestors.
I do understand how to do this if there are only two possible candidate couples - Roberta Estes' blog has been very helpful. But five and the Loyalists who followed them? I'm looking for tips, pointers, or even advice that maybe it is premature to attempt this yet. If i was looking at deep endogamy for centuries, i would not be trying, but maybe someone has been able to work through a similar shorter-term endogamy?