Dee Monroe Parker 1877 NC 1961 SC need help finding Will.and Obituary, Please. Thanks

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WikiTree profile: Dee Parker
in Genealogy Help by Donnie Blackstone G2G6 Pilot (296k points)
I can't find the 1900 census with him and I noticed that the 1880 census has him listed as Leo M Parker I looked closer to the original and it looks more like Lee M Parker the census taker most likely thought Lee when his parents said Dee .back to the 1900 census in NC, he married in Jackson,NC 1903, it maybe D.M Parker or something other he was not living with his father on the 1900 Census.

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+4 votes
Donnie,Off Dee Monroe Parker death cert.

shows mother  Edelphia Mathis.Wife Minnie Cope.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
Yes I been trying to find out as much as I can on Edelphia  also I have some information listed but I'm going back double checking information.

Thanks for any other information about them.
I wanted some wills and obituaries of some of the family but they want 5 dollars. I'm just going to have to take a little ride to Greenville Library one day I just don't go anywhere much but I can get their in about 25 minutes or less,

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