US Presidents/Vice Presidents are YOU related? Join the US Presidents Project. [closed]

+20 votes
The US Presidents Project is proud of the work they have done on proving many of the ancestors of US Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Presidents of the Continental Congress.   Why go all the way back to the 1500s to find your connection.   We need your help with their descendants!   Want to help add their families to Wikitree?   Just respond to this message and volunteer!
closed with the note: New question started
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (897k points)
closed by Robin Lee
I would like to join the presidents project I have found I'm related to almost all of them, im not related to trump but I have found I'm related to his ex wife and daughter. Ulysses S Grant is my 6th cousin Barack Obama is my 11th cousin and  I have wrote down how I'm related to the others

I'm very new to this site (little over a week). About 3 days in, I made a chart of relations I have found, but still need to add many more people. Click the link below for the chart.

Presidential Roots

If the Presidents Project would like a nicer display of the Presidents relations, please let me know.

10 Answers

+11 votes

Agnes Harris 1601-1680 and her 1st husband, Lt. William Spence 1601-1640, are my 9th great-grandparents.   Agnes Harris and her 2nd husband, William Edwards 1618-1675, are the 3rd great-grandparents of Vice President Aaron Burr (assuming no errors).
James C Yates Jr

by Jim Yates G2G2 (2.3k points)
To add to that Agnes is a Magna Carta Gateway Ancestor!
Thanks, Robin!
I am lost on Wikitree although I have been doing genealogy for 36 years and my trees are at Ancestry.

My 9th great grandparents are Edwin Conway, Sr and Martha Eltonhead.  Martha's lineage goes to Henry II king of England and she is a Gateway Ancestor going all the way to Charlemagne. Martha Eltonhead's parents are Richard Eltonhead and Anne Sutton in England.   Her lineage gives me Magna Carta Surities as grandfathers also. .Her line in Virginia gives me cousins as the two Lee's that signed the Declaration of Independence. Her husband Edwin Conway, SR gives me kinship to President James Madison and President Barack Obama . I have been involved in medieval genealogy and have books by Douglas Richardson , Plantagenet Ancestry, Magna Carta Surities and Royal Ancestry.  I could help others if I only could learn how to post on Wiki.
+11 votes

I am George Washington's 2nd cousin, 9 times removed through George Washington's father, Captain Augustine Washington, Sr. (1694-1743).   The lineage goes like this:  Captain Augustine Washington Sr. > Mildred Warner > Colonel Augustine Warner > Mary Warner > Captain Augustine Warner Smith > Mary Smith > Martha Slaughter > Robert Jones > Colonel Gabriel Jones > Samuel Turner Jones > Kate Eliza Jones > Roscoe George Stewart > Charlotte Kathryn Stewart > Rex Tony Miller > ME! 

by Christine Miller G2G6 Mach 7 (75.3k points)
+8 votes
Through my descent from the British monarchs, I am distant cousin to all of the American Presidents.
by J-M Mustchin-Gibson-Mooney G2G6 Mach 1 (11.1k points)

Not likely since there are some presidents that are not proved to be connected to each other through a common ancestor.

For instance, I am related by a common ancestor to 38 of our 44 presidents (Trump is 45th but Cleveland is 22nd and 24th). I have no proven common ancestor with John Adams (despite having one to his son John Quincy Adams), Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren (despite having dutch ancestry myself), William McKinley Jr, Dwight David Eisenhower, or Donald Trump.

See the United States Presidents and United States Vice Presidents sections of my Wiki Cousins space page.

+9 votes

I am related by a common ancestor to 38 of our 44 presidents (Trump is 45th but Cleveland is 22nd and 24th).

I have no proven common ancestor with John Adams (despite having one to his son John Quincy Adams), Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren (despite having dutch ancestry myself), William McKinley Jr, Dwight David Eisenhower, or Donald Trump.

I am related by a common ancestor to 27 of our 48 vice presidents.

See the United States Presidents and United States Vice Presidents sections of my Wiki Cousins space page.

by Richard Ryker G2G6 Mach 5 (52.1k points)
+9 votes

Samuel Cutter is the tenth great-grandfather of George H. Bush. He is also my tenth great-grandfather. President Bush and I are 11th cousins.

by Bob Keniston G2G6 Pilot (276k points)
+7 votes
I am related to ALL 45 presidents, all monarchs of England and Scotland, and nearly all monarchs of Ireland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden, and most of the monarchs of mainland Europe, including Russian czars/tsars, Holy Roman Emperors and Roman emperors and caesars; and I have my verified GENI lineage to every one of them. However, I have virtually no idea how to post them all here. I've never seen a genealogical site set up like this. This page alone is so busy I have no clue what to click on. Took me about five minutes just to locate the COMMENT tab to post this message. LOL.

I am also related to some of the first ladies and vice presidents; as to the others, I haven't researched them yet.
by James David Cunningham G2G Crew (420 points)
+8 votes
I would like to join the Presidents Project so can I please get a badge.

Also Robin, I answered on of your postings here about George Washington ...
by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (311k points)
+7 votes
I'd love to join this project!

Any place in particular that I should start?
by Louann Halpin G2G6 Mach 7 (74.1k points)
+6 votes

I have been working on [[Arthur-49|Chester Arthur]] our 21st President. On his profile there are 9 siblings listed. 6 sisters and 3 brothers.

[[Arthur-58|William Arthur]] is his 1 brother that lived to adulthood. He was in the War of 1812 and the Civil war.

[[Arthur-52|George Arthur]] was born in 1836 and died in 1838.

Then there is [[Arthur-48|Charles Snowden Arthur]] Born in New York City and Died in New York City

Charles Snowden Arthur is not Chester Arthur's sibling. I virtually every article and source I look up for Chester Arthur when mentioning his family they state he had 6 sisters and 1 (or 2) brothers. I am sure many miss George who only lived to be 2 years old.

I would like to delete him but before I do I would like the [[Category:US Presidents Project, US Presidents]] input before I proceed.



by Louann Halpin G2G6 Mach 7 (74.1k points)
+7 votes
I would like to join the US President's project. I believe that I am related to eleven Presidents.--James L.Kitchen (Kitchen-311).
by James Kitchen G2G1 (1.5k points)

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