Hi, folks! I was here earlier today and quickly got an answer to my question. But I failed to introduce myself.
My sister's oldest boy (just 6 years younger than me) was assigned to do a family tree in school, right at the point where Roots was first shown on television. He visited the old folks and they brought out the old letters, family bibles, partial trees, and photos, and he began compiling a genealogy for both sides of his family. Over the next six years, he'd tease me from time to time with a group family chart, or a descendancy for one ancestor. Then in 1985, he handed me four GBC-bound volumes of family history. After puzzling over the lack of citations ("how did you know this?"), I finally rolled up my sleeves, and turned my not-quite-yet rusty research skills (I'd only graduated college two years prior) to genealogy. In 1990, I started haunting libraries, courthouses, and cemeteries for information. By 1993, I was using various newsgroups on USENET, and began entering all my data in Brother's Keeper 4.5 for DOS. The advent of the World Wide Web gave power to the Internet that made it accessible to the masses, but even a geek like me found benefit.
Nearly thirty years later, I'm still at it!
So, I've added profiles for my parents, uploaded a GEDCOM, and selected the matches corresponding to the three of us. Before I continue, it would be great to get some feedback about my conformance to WikiTree Community style. I hope I got it right.