Lookup Request: Mayflower Families Through Five Generations Vol. 13 - William White

+8 votes

I'm working on the profile for Martha (Joyce) Godfrey, and need information from the above Mayflower "Silver Book". I suspect she is the daughter of Hosea Joyce's first wife Martha, not his second wife Elizabeth Chipman. 

Does the MF5G book give that information? And if so, what sources do they list?

Many thanks!

WikiTree profile: Martha Godfrey
in Genealogy Help by Bobbie Hall G2G6 Pilot (378k points)

Hi, Bobbie.

It appears from the index (p. 207, "Joyce;" p. 203, "Godfrey") to that volume that you need pp. 50-1 for Hosea and his daughter, Martha Joyce, and pp. 51-2 for her marriage to John Godfrey.

It's a shame that AmericanAncestors.org couldn't arrange to publish generations 1-4 online.

(edit: apologies: meant this to be a comment, not an answer! -changed to comment)

From your question, I believe you are seeking info on Martha Joyce b. abt. 1667, dau. of Hosea and Martha (unknown) Joyce. Your best reference for her is in JHM:3:37. The source for Hosea is Yarmouth VR:1:2, and the reference for daughter Martha is TAG (Jan 1967) 43:6-7. This may also give her marriage and family. Hope it helps.
Thanks Tom. By "JHM" do you mean the Mayflower Families through 5 Generations, Vol 23, pt. 3, John Howland? If so, that'll be my next lookup request. I have only 3 volumes and a poor local library.

I have sourced the profile with the TAG article you cite, and am working on the Yarmouth VRs. There is also a later TAG article I'm working on now.
The JHM reference is John Howland of the Mayflower (Blue books). The relationship is through John's daughter Hope. You don't by any chance have a copy of the 1967 TAG article do you???

I have an early copy of Yarmouth births, but zero help on the Joyce Family.
Thanks for the clarification, Tom. So that's the same as Becky mentions below.

I have the TAG article via membership to the NEHGS, as well as the Yarmouth VRs. Contact me directly if you'd like some lookups, happy to help.

2 Answers

+8 votes
Hello Bobbie,

MF vol. 13 3rd ed.pp. 50-51

Esther White

"She m. (1)...JOHN JOYCE...son of Hosea and Elizabeth (Chapman) Joyce...".  It does not speak further about Hosea and his wife, Elizabeth or that he had another wife.  It say of John Joyce that his will "...names unm. daus Fear and Desire, wife Esther, his wife's sister Elizabeth White and his brothers... .
by Susan Ballam G2G6 (6.1k points)
Thanks very much for this, Susan!
+7 votes
I have the Mayflower Families Vol 13 Third Edition - Winslow and White.  There is a Martha Godfrey Joyce in the index, but the the page reference (51) is not very helpful.  Some of the family are listed there, but she isn't.

She is listed in "John Howland of the Mayflower Volume 3 The First Five Generations of Documented Descendants Through his third child Hope (3)" This book is out of print.

The Joyce family is treated in TAG  (The American Genealogist Vol. 43.1 pp. 1 - 13. Probably available on the NEHGR Website (Premium membership).
by Becky Syphers G2G6 Mach 4 (40.9k points)
edited by Becky Syphers
Thanks Becky, I have added the info & source from the TAG article. One of the sources listed on her profile was the Silver book, so I thought I'd see if there was more info there. Working on more in the next few days.

[Edited to add:] I've sent a request to a nearby library in hopes of getting a lookup in the "John Howland of the Mayflower" book that you mention. Thank you!

Based on another article, it's pretty clear that Martha (Joyce) Godfrey's mother was the first wife of Hosea. Just want to do full sourcing before I add that mother to Martha, since it will mean that descendants aren't "Mayflower" and I'm sure there will be some argument in that disappointment.

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