Were your Turners in Henry or Gwinnet County GA in the 1830's and had come from SC??

+7 votes
Still searching for the group of Turners that were born in SC and came from SC in the later 1820's to Henry /Gwinnet County Georgia, and lived there during the later 1820's and the 1830's, before moving on to Benton County AL in the 1850 Census. Children names are John, William, Andrew, James, Littleberry, Newberry/Euberry, Simon, and David. Think Father's name could have been John William but have no documentation, according to census in 1850 Benton County, AL, the mother's name was Sarah Turner.  Both Sarah and her husband were born in SC.

Looking for anyone who had Turners in the areas listed above during that time period.
WikiTree profile: John Turner
in The Tree House by Deborah Dunn G2G6 Mach 3 (33.5k points)
edited by Deborah Dunn
Just a note about Gwinnett county and Henry county:  These two counties are not really close.  Gwinnett is north east of Atlanta and Henry county is south east of Atlanta.  Gwinnett was formed from Jackson County (1821 ish) and Henry county was formed from lands ceded by the Creek.  Henry county originally was enormous and much of present day DeKalb, Fulton, Fayette and Newton counties were part of what was then Henry County.
I was thinking the same thing. There are a lot of Turners in South Carolina during that time period. It would help to see if you could narrow the location. I see one child is named Newberry. If that is not a surname of the family, that might be a clue. Littleberry, another child’s name,  is a surname connected to Turners. That is another clue.
Kathy, The route I have is simply a migration of the Turners, we have been told that the Turners came from Edgefield SC??  in the late 1820's. We do have documentation that they were in Henry and Gwinett County in 1830's, then on to Benton, Cleburne, and Calhoun County AL in the 1850's, 60's, and 70's.   Cinthia Haywood, the wife of William T. R. Turner was born in Henry County, GA, and she is supposed to be Indian, we were told Cherokee, but I have wondered if maybe it was Creek instead.  Thanks for the comment.
Paula, This Turner family had three sons with the Berry tied to the first or middle name, I have looked at GreenBerry Turner, but did not find anything there.  I have also looked at the Berry as a Surname maybe of the Mother, nothing there.  Believe me, I have hired genealogist for private research, and done all I know how to do on my own, and I have made more progress thatn the hired researcher.  I have even looked at the Black Turners to see if there was a tie there, but to not avail.  Thanks  for the comments.
Still searching for pieces of this puzzle!

4 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
I will see what I can find. Berry is a last name associated with the Turner family also. There are just a lot of Turners in those parts at that time, as well as now.  Add as many collateral lines as you can.  Families tended to travel together. Also, if you have information about what you tried that didn’t work, you can make a space page to keep that on and connect it to the profile. We search unindexed images for Southern Pioneers Project. I will add this to our list of things to watch for.
by Paula J G2G6 Pilot (292k points)
selected by Deborah Dunn

The parents of those children seem to be James (Jim) Turner and Nancy

"United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MH5W-652 : 12 April 2016), Nancy Turner, Randolph county, Randolph, Alabama, United States; citing family 296, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).

If you look at the 2nd wife of Littleberry, she was a McCullen and married first a Stovall. Her parents were John W and Sarah McCullar.

James (Jim) Turner was the son of this profile:


PaulaJ I am going back and reading and looking for clues to go forward with researching and trying to figure out this line of Mystery Turners.       * The Nancy in the 1850 Census is possibly the mother?? or Aunt?? of those Turner children.   Indicates that she was born in 1800 in GA.

*  (The parents of these Turner children Littleberry, Newberry, Simon Berry, James, John, William, David, Matilda, Jane and Andrew were both born in SC as well as their first Three children.  Next four were born in GA. )

*The mother?? is later listed as Sarah in several other censuses found. 1860, and 1870  

*A* Nancy L. Turner married a Burrell Higginbotham, (in 1894 in AL) Burrell, is the father of the Hulda  Higginbotham Kennedy  and husband William Kennedy that are listed with Nancy Turner  as Head of Household.

*The same children are in the household of Sarah Turner in later census or living beside her on either side in 1860 Calhoun, and 1870 Cleburne County AL.

*There is also an Elizabeth Turner age 70 born in SC in close proximity.in that same 1850 Randolph Co. Census.

*One daughter Jane Turner  married a Haywood, he was killed and she is listed in the same area with her family in House hold 273,

 beside her husbands parents Thomas and Mary Haywood House Hold 272, on one side

and a family of William Copelands House Hold 274 on the other side he and his wife were born in GA.

*Next house being that of Jane Turner's brother Andrew J Turner b. 1831 GA and wife Matilda and daug Eliza. n House Hold 276,

 next household is the brother of Andrew J Turner's wife Matilda, Francis m Harper (Per Census) but should be spelled Hopper House Hold 277,

and his parents John M. and Mary Harper (Hopper) in House Hold 278.  

Then Elizabeth Turner age 70 born 1780 in SC next household #279,

 and James W. Ellis and family born in GA beside Elizabeth Turner in House Hold 280. I have stiil yet to connect he Ellis family with these Turners.

Still trying to put Sarah Turner and Elizabeth Turner in Place.

Any suggestions??
+5 votes

Deborah you might take a look at this profile: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Turner-953

This included in the biography: " Also included in this group is a line with Micajah Turner (b. c 1775-77 in VA) who went to SC and then to GA."

by Sherrie Mitchell G2G6 Mach 5 (56.3k points)
Sherrie Mitchell, My Father, William Turner, DNA is in group 7 of the  Pumpkin colored group of the Turner Surname Project.  I did go and read and compare with that line.  Thanks for your efforts.
+4 votes
I am not directly related but I have a Turner in Henry County, Georgia. James Geans Turner married Malissa Fears in 1872. Malissa was the adopted daughter of my 2X Great Grandfather, William Sadler Fears and his second wife. ( I descend from the first wife). The family of James and Malissa have not found his parents. Here is the profile for James Turner: Turner-31523
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thank you so much Virginia Fields.
+4 votes
Not them I am aware of. The most information I can find is Trappe District, Wicomico County, Maryland in 1893 and for Sadie Queen Anne's County, Maryland .
by anonymous G2G Crew (440 points)
Thank you Sharon Clevenger.

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