Initial profiles for 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Company F soldiers are complete

+14 votes

7 of the 54th Massachusetts' 10 companies of enlisted men now have profiles on WikiTree! Still plenty of research ahead of us.

Some highlights from the men of Company F:

First Lieutenant Stephen Atkins Swails

First Lieutenant Stephen Atkins Swails

First Lieutenant Swails was the first man of African-American descent to receive a commissioned office in the United States military. Prior to this, the highest rank attainable to men of color was Sergeant Major. Stephen began his service as a Sergeant in Company F. He would go on to be a Mayor in South Carolina, and serve in the State Senate. He was forced to resign from politics eventually due to threats on his life motivated by racial bigotry.

First Lieutenant Frank M. Welch

First Lieutenant Frank M. Welch

First Lieutenant Frank M. Welch was among the earliest soldiers of African-American descent to attain a commissioned office in the United States military. He, too, started his military career with Company F.

First Sergeant Alexander Freeman Hemenway

First Sergeant Alexander Freeman Hemenway was the grandson of American Revolutionary War soldier Jeffrey Hemenway and Hepsibah "Hepsey" (Crosman) Hemenway of the Nipmuc people.

Charles Remond Douglass

You may recognize Charles; he was one of abolitionists Frederick Douglass and Anna (Murray) Douglass' sons. He began his military career in Company F of the 54th. There is a gorgeous photo of Charles' sister Rosetta who married Private Nathaniel Sprague who also served with the 54th.

in The Tree House by K Raymoure G2G6 Mach 2 (21.2k points)
Nice work!!

2 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
I agree with EC. Amazing work. One of these days I’ll do one for my g-grandfather’s Civil War unit.
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
+11 votes
Amazing job on this project!
by E Childs G2G6 Pilot (137k points)

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