Can we get G2G to suggest similar questions based on body before Question is posted?

+10 votes

On StackExchange sites like their genealogy site when you post a question, the software looks for similar questions, looking at both the title and the body, that have been previously asked so you can see whether there is already an answer for your question.  This helps avoid people posting questions that have already been answered well before.

On G2G this is done, but only based upon the title of your question and the UI coloring hides it from attention, so usability could be improved of this feature.

I feel the feature could be improved by refreshing the suggestions based upon the body of the question when you click "Ask the Question" and to give a final review page before you post for real that offers these alternates in a visual way that is more likely to garner attention than the current presentation.

in WikiTree Tech by William Foster G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+6 votes
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Probably not, unless someone creates an add-on with this functionality for the Question2Answer software. I'll still add it to the suggestions list in case one does get created.

by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (705k points)
selected by William Foster
As a first step, can we do something with the "Easy styling with CSS themes." to make the suggestions based upon subject stand out more?  The green background makes them appear like instructions likely to be ignored where person focuses on the white area where they place their question.  If we could color differently than the surrounding area of instructions, it could have a greater effect.
That seems like something that can be done pretty easily when the next round of G2G changes happens.
Sounds good, is there a list somewhere where this can be recorded so it does not fall through the cracks?

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