To whom it may concern:
I have been working on my genealogy for quite some time. In my info, grandparents came from Washington, NC. My grandfather is Roosevelt, his dad is William Taylor and his dad is James or Jamas Prichard/Pritchard. William moved to Bachelor North Carolina. The name changed to Adams Creek Road in Havelock, NC.
William Taylor Pritchard born in 1840. His first wife was Charity Ambrose and his second wife is Harriett Moy(e) Pritchard. Roosevelt Prichard was born in 1906 and was married to Armenter Jones Prichard. All lived in the Bachelor area which is now called Adams Creek Road. I am interested in locating the birth or marriage infor from the Washington area. If you can help or point me another direction I would greatly appreciate it.
In Jesus Name,
Barbara L. Prichard