Automatic assignment of new manager.

+12 votes
There was a posting regarding "too many managers" but I can't find the resolution.

I am concerned about sending out a merge request, gettiing it completed quickly and kindly and much appreciate it..  However, the person who does it is now automatically a co-manager. A newbie,yesterday I had watched for many years on other sites,  created three duplicates incorrectly linked and sources were "opinions." She put people in cemeteries who are documented by photo in different cems. I welcomed her and sent several merge requests and offers to help..

Why can't she just be automatically assigned a status of "Request to be on the trusted list" ?  That would help her learn wikitree if she is interested and learn collaboration.  

Part of this has to do with what happens to my work after I die - I've read a lot on that but its at a standstill.  I did write a book in 2015 that took me several years of just getting the formatting correct (Createspace) and came to wikitree because I didn't think I could do it again.

Anyone who shows or contributes true factual interest (not just links to other websites for a dozen of the same type indexes), is a newbie  is welcome to be a co-manager.
WikiTree profile: Joseph Breece
in The Tree House by Living Breece G2G6 Mach 4 (47.1k points)

1 Answer

+12 votes
Best answer
Because our community is based on collaboration, putting restrictions on who can become a co-manager would be difficult.   However, in your case I strongly recommend that you report this behavior by means of our Problems with Members process.
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (918k points)
selected by David Selman
I think I was misunderstood. I don't think she is trying to be difficult. This person needs time to learn wikitree and I feel folks this new should not be automatically assigned co-manager.  Surely there is another way - like possibly sending an auto Request to be on Trusted List until they learn. I've worked this way a while and it helps. I'm happy to transfer mgt to their personal direct line ancestors whom I have NOT completed well yet.

Sorry if I haven't  communicated it well.  Thanks for your answer for problem members, though.
Robin, thank you for proposing the merges - what happened?  I did the same thing yesterday - i admit my brain was tangled,and made a typo at Breece-141 instead of143.  Other than that I can't see why you had to do it.  Thank you kindly!!
I realize your post is several months old, but a piece of it was not answered.

Barbara, the MIR process isn't only used for people who are intentionally "trying to be difficult." Newcomers often need mentors.

She became co-manager because she had created a duplicate (of which she was manager) and when the two were merged, she became co-manager of the merged profile.  Note: this does not happen on pre-1700 profiles that are merged.  The manager of the duplicate (created later) doesn't transfer over.

 I don't know if it's possible for the system to determine the newness of a person when merges are done and then not transfer their manager status over when the merge is completed.  But it's an interesting idea.

Jillaine,    Someone put a note somewhere that said a certain question required discussion on the Forum.  Thanks for your above response inspiring a little more discussion on this one.

The issue of others either automatically or otherwise, changing profiles has occurred  recently and caused such disappointment  (my personal, no one's fault) that I almost quit. Wiki's Mentor-ship program is what helped get it back around a bit. However, in the last few weeks three established folks have automatically added additional given and or middle names with no basis in fact, just a name ~ one merged a person who happened to be three different people causing three generations to be one person - or maybe two, even though the births were different.  I contacted and explained but have not heard back. 

I'm  learning better to suggest changes but creating these profiles is so time consuming alone (not to mention the years of research in the past followed by transcribing and uploading)  to get it into format and collaborate too, no one could keep up with it. LOL! It can still be  transcribed and uploaded a lot easier  than going on the internet and finding the same thing I already have.

In fact , if a co manager would prove they have documented evidence (not from other website contributors unless accessible and sourced - not a source of a source another person's source)  on profiles needing clean up, the help would be WELCOME!

 I use common "terms" related to level of evidence:  primary, blah  blah, etc,  and for unsubstantiated "family tradition by so and so  suggests . . . " within a profile rather than entered into a field that makes it a fact.  Another problem is the vast amount of verbiage to make it clear. 

Blessings for bringing the subject up again smiley


PS  Do you think it would be possible to have an additional forum for how to 'write' a genealogy?  The actual Guidelines are excellent but my experience is mostly I can't find what I want.  And they are very long . . albeit when you find your answer they're a Godsend!


You can always start a discussion about biography writing here. (I'd use the Policy and Style forum.) But if you want to point someone to the specific Wikitree help page about writing biographies, it's here:

If this is a page you have difficulty finding (I found it under the Help Index under the far right drop down menu), you might paste this URL onto the "scratch pad" located on your Nav Home Page (found under the "My Wikitree" drop down menu). 

Barbara, at least one of the profiles you've worked on is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen (and should be one of the examples on the Biographies Help page!). 

When you've done all that work, it might be worth finding a project to place it under, placing project protection/ co-management on it.  This won't technologically protect all editing from happening by others but it does typically slow people down and encourage communications before editing. 

Barbara, I misspoke. We can't project-protect profiles of people under 200 years of age unless they're notable. I'm not sure your Joseph would qualify, even though your excellent narrative for him *is* notable.

EDIT: I just re-read it, including the last letter from Joseph to his family before his death in the Civil War. It brought tears to my eyes. He's certainly notable in your family. 

Thanks for your continued work on WikiTree, and if you encounter troubles again, please turn to the Problems with Members process.

What a wonderful response, so full of new thoughts, ideas and guidance!

Thanks for loving my Joseph, too. I do want my profiles to love the everyday family man, they are a big part of who we are.

I'll indeed focus on your ideas.  Thank you again smiley

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