How do I join the source-a-thon team? [closed]

+5 votes
I've been adding sources but would love to be part of a team! Can't seem to find how to do it though - any tips?
closed with the note: Answered - thanks everyone :)
in WikiTree Help by E Childs G2G6 Pilot (136k points)
closed by E Childs

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
There is a monthly challenge and a weekly Saturday sprint challenge.  These are not team but individual challenges.  Go to g2g to sign up for the challenges.  

Here is the Project

Here is July's monthly challenge:  you can even join the last day of te month.  So it is not too late to join for July.

Watch on Friday in g2g for te announcement of the Saturday Sprint.
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (873k points)
selected by E Childs
What a goof - yep, I had the wrong name of the project I was asking about!

Thanks so much Laura!
We do run a source a thon in the fall.  It is a yearly event.
+8 votes
As the time gets closer, there will be many posts of the different teams and what areas they cover. At that time you just put your name in the hat and they acknowledge you are on their team. Like for instance the Nor'Easters.

I was actually just thinking about this last night. But since it usually happens in October, it seemed a little early.
by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (422k points)
Ooh! I thought it was an ongoing thing. Okay, thanks so much!

There is a monthly sourcing challenge but you do not need to be on a team to join.

Just post an answer (not a comment) to the monthly post and use the tracker after you’ve added source(s) to an unsourced profile. 

I see that you are already doing the monthly challenge, so nevermind. :-D

That might be more what you are meaning? The sourcerers challenge is monthly. The Source-a-Thon is an annual event with competing teams.

And I just learned you do the challenge to earn the badge. I thought you needed the badge to do the challenge.
Erin and Steven,

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yep, feel like a doofus - had the wrong name of the challenge I was asking about! Oops!

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