No Profile Manager

+10 votes
I've recently joined WikiTree and in the process of entering my genealogy, found that my great-grandfather already has a profile.  However, the profile has "No Profile Manager" listed.  How do I proceed from here?
WikiTree profile: Samuel Stillman Wyman
in Genealogy Help by J Clark G2G3 (3.8k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Welcome to WikiTree! You're embarking on a marvelous adventure with a bunch of friendly, helpful folks. Don't be bashful in asking for help, whether it's navigating the site or a genealogical problem, you'll find help here.
What Jim said! Welcome, JC.
I see you are on the trusted list. Click on the Privacy tab of the profile, there should be an option to become manager next to your name.
I double checked, and there is no option for me to become the profile manager.

I found a thread with the same issue.  I tried the fix and it worked.  Here is Sara Thibault's solution.

The workaround was that I went to the dropdown menu under my user ID and chose "Orphaned Family" -- I was able to find Marie from there, select her and adopt her. She then showed up as a profile I managed, so it worked. There are probably other workarounds if you can access other lists of orphaned profiles and find the profile you want to adopt on it. Sorry I don't have a more straightforward answer.

5 Answers

+15 votes
Best answer
Right next to where it says No Profile Manager, you can click on "adopt this profile". Then you can edit it and go from there. :)
by E Childs G2G6 Pilot (136k points)
selected by Jim Parish
Thank you for taking the time to reply, but unfortunately there is no option to "adopt this profile" that I can see.
+10 votes
Welcome aboard J.  You can adopt the profile just by clicking on the link in the orange bar next to the "No Profile Manager" tag.  (I just tried it in a weak moment to make sure it worked, and I instantly became the PM.  Then I had to remove myself.  So if you see a bunch of junk in the changes log, it's my fault.)
by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (586k points)
I do not see the "adopt this profile" option.  Could it be because I am a new user or haven't added enough info, yet?
The link is in the middle of the page, directly under the death date. It should show in yellow on the orange background.


It looks a though someone else just adopted it . You can message the new PM and ask to be put on the trusted list or made a co manager.

I think you may need to sign the Honor Code before you can adopt profiles.

I signed the Honor Code, and the person who adopted it relinquished management, so I could take over.  Still no "adopt this profile" link for me.  So, she took over management, again, but could not add me.  Could this be because I am a new person, within the last week?  Thank you for your help.
J. try logging out and then back in and see if the link appears.  If that doesn't do it, try closing your web browser and restarting it. or clearing the cache on your browser.  If none of that works, I'm out of ideas.
+9 votes
Hi J,

What a great find. Since the profile is orphaned you may feel free to adopt the profile by clicking the "Adopt This Profile". This will make you the profile manager after which feel free to finish up the sourcing or change the format to your liking. Along with adding of spouse and family members. Most likely you have a cousin on wikitree that may have added the profile.
by Anthony McCabe G2G6 Pilot (392k points)
+10 votes
I adopted it so I can add you ;) Please PM me with your email address (you should see my name there and an option to PM me) and I'll add you and then remove myself once you're in.
by Living Younger G2G6 Mach 1 (15.1k points)
Does anyone know why I would be unable to add her to the trusted list? I keep getting this error: "This e-mail address is not associated with a WikiTree account yet. Enter the person below to invite them to WikiTree.", but she says that's the email address she used to sign up, and it's not a typo so what's the problem?
You most liky have the wrong email address. I may suggest re-orphaning the profile so they can adopt through conventional ways.
The address has been confirmed correct and she's not able to see the link to adopt the profile. She's signed the honor code and is a full member.

Adopt this profile will not be present while there is a current Profile Manager. Another option would be for them to join the Trusted List you can have them click this here

After they fill in the form you will be sent a email by wikitree to confirm them to the trusted list afterwhich there should be a add as manager tab for you in the Privacy Section next to her name and email address on file. yes

Neither of those options is working. I joined to add her BECAUSE she could not see the link to adopt the profile. I've removed myself and added myself several times and she can not see the profile.

I tried to add her several times too with that same error code. Something just isn't working. I wonder if there's a weird bug going on.

Just tried my link it worked. You should have gotten an email frown

+5 votes
What a saga! I see after many efforts there is still no profile manager. I wonder, J Clark, if you  might have some luck using a different browser or a different computer, with a more recent operating system? Don't give up!
by C Ryder G2G6 Mach 9 (92.0k points)
Thank you for the suggestion.  I've tried my cell phone, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and they were both run on Windows 10.  I'm committed to finding an answer.  Its ironic, because the Wyman line was my first real breakthrough when I started my genealogy 25 years ago.

I found a thread of the same issue.  Here is Sara Thibault's solution that she used, that I used to become the profile manager.

The workaround was that I went to the dropdown menu under my user ID and chose "Orphaned Family" -- I was able to find Marie from there, select her and adopt her. She then showed up as a profile I managed, so it worked. There are probably other workarounds if you can access other lists of orphaned profiles and find the profile you want to adopt on it. Sorry I don't have a more straightforward answer.

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