How do I get started on my tree without editing my own? Quickest way plwase

+3 votes
I no I got to do tags whitch tags and were do I get them my family tags?
in WikiTree Help by Living Powell G2G1 (2.0k points)
retagged by Eva Ekeblad
Too build a Tree, Best way ,join can name your tree,

and a format comes up,you just enter names and dates,and children.
Wayne if that were an answer it would have earned you a million down votes.

5 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

I'm not sure you've yet received a direct answer to your question.

When you sign up, you're asked to add some tags. When asked, do as others here have suggested: include the surnames from your family that you're most interested in. When others post to g2g with the same tag, you will be notified via email. 

by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (950k points)
selected by Juha Soini
+15 votes
Genealogy is not a hobby that can be done quickly.

Any tree has to be built one person at a time - especially if it is a new branch of the family.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+8 votes
I began by following my surnames as Tags, now I also have tagged the projects I am working on.  If you check on your profile page, it appears that you were sent an email explaining how to get started.  Have you seen that yet?  It would be the email you used to sign up and log in with.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (906k points)
+10 votes
If your family used surnames, your first 'tags' should be surnames from your family that you are interested in researching. You can also put in place names or topics that you want to read discussions about.

You've got a message on your profile from a Wikitree greeter - he would be a good person to ask questions about getting started.
by Kathleen Cobcroft G2G6 Pilot (109k points)
+7 votes
Hello Gary, That very long tag that you have added so far will not get you any useful information, so I suggest you remove it. Try adding Powell as your first tag, then a few of the other ancestral surnames that you know. That should help you to understand how tags work, then you can go back to them later and add more one you have a better understanding. I am tagging your question to the greeters so hopefully someone will be along shortly to guide you through the next steps to completing your membership and developing your first profiles.
by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (691k points)

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