Is there a means to obtain a list of Watchlist of another member

+4 votes
I have a distant cousin - probably 5th.  We are co-PM's on two profiles, one quite significant.  This cousin has not been active on Wikitree in over a year.  I proposed a merge of one of their profiles who was a son of a profile we co-PM.  I am not on the Trusted List on my proposed merge.  This profile where I proposed the merge has a co-PM who approved the merge.  I appealed to my cousin to do the same via their private email and have received no response.  A few days ago, I appealed to my cousin that if they were not going to participate on Wikitree that I would like to adopt shared family.  Since this person is a distant family member and I know in the past they had family members with health issues they were troubling them I do not want to push too hard. What I would like to do is identify the shared family and file Trusted List request for each.  I will follow policy but wait longer than required prior to filing a non-Responsive Member report.
in Policy and Style by Living Barnes G2G6 Mach 3 (35.0k points)
If you are interested in profiles with some degree of privacy (from your message, I'm not sure about this), your best option is to request assistance from the Team --
At this point, my only goal is to identify profiles that descend from the same immigrant that this othe PM and I share. I consider filing a Non-Responsive Member report a harsh and threating step.  For now, I only want to identify the profiles and continue with the process of getting the other party involved and only if unsuccessful proceed.  Currently, I have no idea how many profiles descend from our immigrant.  Access to their Watchlist would tell me.
Check his contribution list ? Profiles he created or gedcommed into wikitree .
Thanks. It will take some time but it will work.
To see the profiles that descend from a particular immigrant, can't you use the Family List or the Descendants List for that immigrant? Look under the immigrant's WikiTree ID# on their profile page to find links to Descendants and Family List. On the Family List, you will need to change the settings from Ancestors to Descendants.
I found there were several ways to accomplish this.    Yours worked.  I would add, using your approach and Chrome entering a Ctl + F and then entering the PM's named in the box, speeds the search.

2 Answers

+6 votes
" only goal is to identify profiles that descend from the same immigrant that this othe[r] PM and I share."

To do that, go the immigrant ancestor's profile.  Click the Family Tree & Tools tab.  Scroll down to the Genealogy Research tools, then click Descendant List.
by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (781k points)
+6 votes
We each have a Wiki-ID and a user ID number.

To see anyone's user ID number, from their profile page, select the Suggestions menu item from their Wiki-ID menu, and remember their number "u=xxxxxx"

Then go to your watchlist page (from the WikiTree menu), and replace your 'p=xxxxxx' number with their number (only replace the numbers, not the 'p' or 'u')
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (589k points)
I'm not sure that's allowed.  Watchlists are supposed to be private to the user.  Only Leaders are allowed to see.  But I could be wrong...
Please tell me Leaders have no powers to override privacy.

But Project accounts exist for their Watchlists.

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