I have purchased the book, Index to Virginia Estates 1800-1865, Volume 10, by Wesley E. Pippenger. Includes counties of Caroline, Essex, Gloucester, Hanover, King & Queen, King William, Lancaster, Lousia, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland.
This is an Index Only. Initially, the book was somewhat useless. However, if you're planning to visit one of these counties and need information on someone (if available), this book gives the location, what type of document, name, and references such as Deeds, Wills, Fiduciary, Gaurdian's Bonds, Chancery, Estates, Surveyor, Etc. Including page numbers and microfilm document numbers. Since my initial visit to the Tidewater area, I've since purchased this book. It will go with me on my next visit for sure.
I also found the book to be useful for simply cross referencing names with dates and locations. I'm happy to lookup any information to help someone especially interested in physically traveling to the Tidewater, VA region.