What do you think are the most popular profiles on WikiTree?

+7 votes
Hi WikiTreers!

Just curious -- what do you think are the most popular profiles on WikiTree?  A certain President or Royal? Will Bill Hickock? Audie Murphy?

What would you say?
in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Hi Eowyn, Are you defining ʻpopularʻ as the ones most visited (do we track that?)?
It's in Google Analytics to some extent, but mostly I'm curious what profiles you guys think are likely to draw a crowd.
Great question, Eowyn.

To Kristina's point, are you now going to reveal some of the most popular in sheer traffic? Now I'm curious.
Most likely the Notables such as Washington, Lincoln, etc.

3 Answers

+10 votes

Here's the ones I found with the most views. Is there an official ranking list?

John Adams - 141,793

Thomas Jefferson - 58,577

Charlemagne - 56,256

George Washington - 44,688 

by Chase Ashley G2G6 Pilot (326k points)
edited by Chase Ashley
I am glad to see history rather than Hollywood!
Just found Adams. He would be happy to know that he is almost 3 times as popular as Jefferson. Having 89 grandchildren helps.
The count for John Adams is probably skewed by people searching for potential matches. There are 1632 profiles with an extra surname match searching for John Adams. Of those, 70 have no birth date
My own profile has a ridiculous number of profile visits (50,883 at the moment; the large number of visits was pointed out to me by another member), but I'm confident that the high hit count is not about me. if I have my profile open in my browser tab, and my browser is set to refresh pages periodically, does that increase the hit count?

Chris Whitten has had 73,158 profile visits.
Queen Elizabeth II is currently at 78,791. Hers is now unlisted, though, with the new privacy rules, so that number is probably gonna stagnate.
I think it does increase the hit count, Ellen. Sometimes I go to my profile when I mean to go somewhere else and that ups the hit count, too.
I have a link to Adams on my profile since he's the closest related president.  That likely drives the extra traffic to his profile.
+8 votes
In the days since I made this profile for Steve Ditko, it's became one of the most popular profile I ever made: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Ditko-1

Thanks for the retweet, Eowyn. =)

It also helped that I put it in the Facebook group I am an administrator of.

We need a tree about Jack Kirby. The one king this website doesn't have a profile of. I should get on that.
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (828k points)
+9 votes

People with many descendants, such as Sarah Rapalje, seem to draw a lot of interest from genealogists, at least as measured by the number of duplicate profiles that get created for them.

by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Wow that lady had a lot of kids.

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