Does anyone have a copy of this book?

+6 votes

Sometime within the last 30 years my father had stumbled across a copy of two books (or other media resources?) pertaining to the Brown family:

The Browns of Nottingham, Penna, and Related Families by Mary Williams Smith, published 1969

Hopkins-Brown Genealogy by L. Gertrude Fryberg. No pub date that he wrote down (when he looked at the source again he said "oh, maybe it was unpublished?")

I see the first one referenced a lot on Google Books and other resources, and I know my father had seen both somewhere due to the fact that they are cited in his sources for his genealogical records. Unfortunately, I have no idea where they would be and would like to either obtain a copy or see a copy in order to fact-check his work (which has been propogated on Wikitree and many other genealogy websites) and try and see if sources are cited in the books themselves - or if they leave me any hints of where to look next. Unfortunately, I know that books cannot always be trusted - but I would like to at least have a basis.

Armitt is attached because he is one of the people I am working on.

Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated.

WikiTree profile: Armitt Brown
in Genealogy Help by Liz Marshall G2G6 Pilot (115k points)
WikiTree, starring Eddie King as Research Man.
Eddie, thank you SO much. I will get working on contacting the historical society about the notebook. The Cope book is not the same one as the Smith book but is nevertheless SUCH a great resource and I'm so grateful :)
Eddie’s comments need to be answers to get best answer

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
The book by Mary Smith is in WorldCat but I cannot see that any library holds it. (see  I do not have a WorldCat login so I can only see holdings form some institutions.  When I log into OCLC (I am a cataloger for my profession) I can see that 8 libraries claim to hold it.  But in order to find out which libraries they are you have to contact a library that is a full OCLC member (one that does interlibrary loan with them) and see if they can tell you who holds the book.  And they may or may not be able to request it for lending for you.

There is another factor with this as well.  This book was created and submitted to the DAR through their Genealogical Records Committee (GRC).  These works were mostly unpublished or lightly published materials. At their creation sometimes multiple copies were made and given to other libraries besides the DAR.  In the 1970s many of the GRC books were microfilmed when the Utah Genealogical Society did mass microfilming of library collections.  The DAR Library was among those microfilmed.  So it is possible there is a microfilm copy out there as well.

But, all the GRC books are at the DAR Library.  In the early 2000s they were all scanned and digitized.  An every name index was created at that time and all GRCs are searchable at the DAR Library website (  In this case the book in question was submitted through the Ohio State Society and is the "Ohio DAR GRC report ; s1 v448 : the Browns of Nottingham, Penna ... / compiled by Mary Williams Smith".   The shorthand numbering for this is OH s1 v448.

To see the digital images you would need to be in the DAR Library, and you would be able to print any page you wanted from the item.  If you cannot make it into the Library you can utilize the Search Services that the Library offers.  More info on that can be found here:  

For full disclosure sake, I am the Catalog Librarian at the DAR Library.


I did some more searching and digging.  There is a version of this in the FHL catalog, and is is digitized.  It is not from the microfilmed GRC copy so it appears to be another copy that she made at the time of creation. As an FYI, many of the copies of GRC books may or may not be identical to the ones in the DAR Library.  Some of these were actual typed copies (predating photocopying services) and as such may or may not contain variations.  I do not know which copy or version your father looked at.  Or if he found it at yet another institution.  Here is the link to the digital version in the FHL:
by Elizabeth Ernst G2G4 (4.2k points)
selected by Liz Marshall
Oh, thank you! I am a DAR member and will be (likely) heading down to DC sometime soon (within the next few months!). Maybe I'll be able to swing by if I can. Fingers crossed, at any rate.

Thank you so much for the resources. I didn't know the book had this history! :) I am extremely excited about being able to figure out more.
The DAR Library is open to all free of charge. Membership is not required to utilize the Library.
+2 votes
Try i solved a big family brick wall it is s great resource.
by Zoiya Tate G2G6 Mach 3 (37.8k points)

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