Do you have Reed or Reid ? Come join the New Reed Reid Surname Study

+24 votes

We have started a New Reed Reid Surname study. If you have Reed or Reid please come look at our study. We love to know which Reed Reid family your working on please let us know.

in The Tree House by Billie Keaffaber G2G6 Mach 4 (43.9k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

I would like to join this study

My Great Grandmother is Elizabeth Reed (Reed-14398), dau of  and  


Here link to Reed Name Study if you go to link and scroll down to add to trusted list we be glad to have you.


Thank you for adding me to your family name group.  I look forward to assist and learning from others in the group.
I'm not sure how to join this study.  My Grandmother was a Reed.  Her name is Mabel Townsend Reed.  I have traced her line back to Phillip Reed B:11 July 1756 Norwich, New London, Connecticut. D:20 March 1828 Richmond, Ontario County New York.  His father was Jacob Reed.  I believe they also lived in Vermont.   I haven't had time to add them all to WikiTree yet.  I am relatively new and don't have much time to work on it right now but will do it whenever I have a few minutes.  Thanks.
I think your Greenberry Reid could be related to my Eli Reid b. 1799 SC; d. aft 1870 Marion Co. AL.

37 Answers

+12 votes
Hi, Billie. I’m interested. Put me in.
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Pip I have you added. Hope you enjoy Study.

Muchas gracias! I’ve stickered Robert Reid. More to come! I’m excited!
+12 votes
Hi Billie,

Good project choice!  I'm finding it harder to trace the Reids than the Smiths, and would welcome the opportunity to collaborate.

I'm researching two Read/Reid lines. Eliphalet Read migrated from Rehoboth, Massachusetts to a part of Nova Scotia Colony that's now in New Brunswick, among the New England Planters in the 1760's.

The second, William Reid has been a bit of a brick wall - there are simply too many William Reid's!  A distant relative suggests his ancestor Alexander Reid emigrated from Scotland to Nova Scotia in the 1780s, but so far I haven't found any sources to confirm or deny the suggestion, or much clear information on Alexander.

I'm hoping to make a trip to the east coast to look in the paper archives, there may be information that's not yet online. I'll tag my Reid/Read/Reeds for the study shortly, and share any sources I find as I make progress.  

by Laurie Giffin G2G6 Pilot (107k points)

We love to have you in our study. With bunch of us working on these people we might be able to find information. We love to have you.

+10 votes
Hi Billie,

I am a descendant of Anne (Reid) Unwin, born in Newfoundland around 1845 and emigrated here to New Zealand.  Her Father John "Brickwall" Reid was in Newfoundland, not sure if he was born there, but I have a number of Reids on my DNA match list, and they all seem to descend from a man Stephen Reid who was born around 1740.   

I get the impression that REID is a Huge Newfoundland family.

Reid-7938|Ann (Reid) Unwin

Reid-10322|John Reid
by Pare Chase G2G6 Mach 1 (14.2k points)
So far my DNA hasn’t turned up any Reeds other then connected to my BRANNON’s it be neat to find out if we connect anywhere way back hopfully this Reeed name study will help us all find out more.

+10 votes
I'm following the Reid family from Dublin, Ireland. My grandfather born in 1901.

James Reid - Bridget Reid

Sean Joseph Reid

Patrick (Whack) Reid

Julia Reid

James Reid

1911 Census, living in Gloucester Street, Trinity Ward, Dublin.
by Michael Reid G2G Crew (500 points)
I have some Irish but yet to find origins of my Reed family.

+10 votes
I am a “REID” by marriage. My husband, now deceased, was a descendant of  Charles and Fannie (Bates) Reid of Dumfries, Virginia.


My Reed was West Virginia and Virginia before it changed I been looking in to Reeds in Calhoun county West Virginia. I at Brock wall with her.  Besides Nancy I have these Reeds I had feeling maybe they connected.


Mary in the Reed Reid Page is a Tag you can put on your Reed Reid profiles. This will put them in the Reed Reid name Study.

Just did this; but I already had a "Reid" tag, old one so maybe it didn't count.
+10 votes
Lots of Scotland Reids in my tree.  I can add the category to them.  Reids were founding members of my project
by Joelle Colville-Hanson G2G6 Pilot (157k points)
Would love to join. Charlotte S. Reed b 1826/27 in New York is my brick wall. in 1850 MI census find her in this family,

Waterloo, Jackson, Michigan

Ralph Updike        M    64    New York
Mary A Updike        F    54    New York
Mary E Updike        F    15    New York
Henry Reed        M    54    Connecticut
Charlotte S Reed        F    23    New York
Matthew Mcneal        M    25    Ireland.

I think Henry may be her father. She marries John B. Bezzo and has a child in MI in 1851 so pretty sure this is her. Have no info prior to this census. Maybe this study will help nibble away at this wall I have.
+10 votes
I would like to join.  My husband is a Reed and I have traced them to New Jersey in 1778 when James Reed married Elizabeth Peacock, daughter of Adonijah Peacock of Burlington who made gunpowder for Washington’s army (and died in the process). I can not find Janes Reed’s parents, or his birthplace or anything before his marriage.
by Barbara Reed G2G5 (5.2k points)


Go to this page and scroll down till you see the trusted list hit and ask to join trusted list.


+10 votes
My grandmother was a Reed from Kent, England and I have her tree back a few generations.
by Christine Searle G2G6 Mach 4 (43.0k points)
I've added mine to the study now - hope that's OK!  And it's encouraged me to get back a couple more generations so thank you for that!


The more reads the merrier. It ok you should  join the Project Christine just go to link and scroll down when you see trustedlust hit link and ask to join.



Don't forget that your new freespace page link is this:

and does not end with -1
+9 votes
I would like to join this group. Tag/Comment made today.
by Mary Reid G2G Crew (870 points)
+9 votes
Yes please!  I'm currently struggling to find my great-grandfather was Byron John (aka Barney) Reid.  B. 1857, probably in Milwaukie WI.  Died approx 1916 in Missouri or Illinois.  He was married at least twice and my grandmother was from his first marriage.  I can find no record of his birth or his parents names.

Thank you!
+9 votes
Please add to the study.  My great -grandfather was Byron John (aka Barney) Reid.  B. 1857 possibly in Milwaukie WI.  D. approx 1916 in Missouri or Indiana.  He was married twice and my grandmother is from his first marriage. I have not been able to find his birth record, death record, or any thing with his parents names.  It's possible his father is Robert W. Reid - they are listed as living in the same household in Milwaukie in the 1890s and RW is old enough to be his father, or perhaps his uncle.  Again..unclear.

Any ideas would be helpful
by Katherine Watt G2G Crew (990 points)
+9 votes
I married into the REED family of NEWARK, DELAWARE.  Unfortunately, my feed is filled with Reed's from everywhere else and with such a common name it causes me to get unrelated information.
+8 votes
My Reeds are not sure they are actually of the Reed surname.
Richard "Dick" Reed lived in Elk City Oklahoma and as a young child he was a Indian captive. When older he escaped and he did not know what his surname was. He was wearing some jewelry that said Reed so it is the surname my grandfather went by.
by Raymond Anderson G2G Crew (950 points)
+8 votes
William Reid

is one of my many brickwalls.
by Leslie Cooper G2G6 Mach 5 (50.8k points)
+8 votes
I am researching the Reids from around Ballynahinch in County Down, Northern Ireland.
by Larissa Loomes G2G6 Mach 1 (11.3k points)
+8 votes
I would like to join the Reid Study and see where i can fit in.....
by Alex Reid G2G1 (1.4k points)
+8 votes

My Reid ancestor,

Parents birth and death dates unknown.

by Leslie Cooper G2G6 Mach 5 (50.8k points)
+7 votes
I am working to find the parents of James Reed of Burlington county NJ Born in the 17150s and married to Elizabeth Peacock.  The only mentions I have found are their wedding registry and a sentence in an article about Adonijah Peacock that mentioned Elizabeth Married James Reed and went West.  All later information about the family does not name his parents.
by Barbara Reed G2G5 (5.2k points)
+7 votes
Researching 1700s NJ Middlesex County Reids (there were also Monmouth County Reids). Attempting to connect REV WAR "Fighting" John Reid d. 1814, and spouse Charity Manley Reid to otherwise fully researched John Manley Reid b. 1815 likely to one of their sons listed in REV WAR pension Bible.
by Glenn Soden G2G5 (5.6k points)
I am part of the reid family from Ireland To Canada and by biggest brickwall. I would like to join

+7 votes
I have Reed in my line. Would love to be part of this.
by Sharon Dipaola G2G Crew (410 points)

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