Is there a Hans Neu born 1529-1597 married who married Catharine with child Hans Neu born in 1545?

+4 votes

I have Hans Neu born in 1529-1597 married Catharine in 1542, they had a son named  Hans Neu I born in 1545-1597. He married Eva Hanss in 1565 having a son named Hans Neu II born 1565 -1597 who married Frau Efen.around 1590. They had a son Hans Otto Neu born 1590-1635 who married Margaretha Barges with son Christian born 1620-1699. Do you have any details for Hans Neu born in 1545-1597 ? I dont see him in the tree.

WikiTree profile: Hans Neu
in Genealogy Help by

1 Answer

+2 votes

I am still rather new to WikiTree and only saw your post now, thus the late answer.

These are my ancestors, too. The line "starts" here:

"Your" Hans might be another son of one of the couples in this tree. Check out Familienbuch Kleinich by Peter Schössler, if you can get it.


by Anne Unfried G2G6 (7.1k points)

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