Henry C. Marcell, Charleston, SC, 1805-1856 needing proof and finding parents or siblings.

+2 votes
My G G Grandfather Henry C. Marcell was born 1805 in Maryland according to census records. At some point he moved to Charleston before 1832 as he married his wife, Sarah Laurence (Lawrence) PARKER then. Three children were born in Charleston including my Great Grandfather Edward North Marcell 1837-1917.

Henry's wife Sarah was the daughter of Samuel Parker and Elizabeth Helener Lawrence. She was great grandaughter to Governor Robert Daniel, first Governor of SC appointed by the King of England. They were a wealthy family and seemed to hang with the elite of Charleston.

Henry was an educated man but I can not find anything about him or his family or siblings in Charleston. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts for over 12 years on any proof of him in Charleston. NO record of his marriage yet they were devout Catholic in Nashville. No record of births of children and no info on him before 1832.

I have a Jacques Albert Marcell who arrived in Baltimore in 1805 but those researchers deny any relationship to my Henry. He was married to Fleurie Debat Dit Casanueve, who had property in Charleston in 1815.

Any help with additional data on him would be most appreciative.
WikiTree profile: Henry Marcell
in Genealogy Help by John Owen G2G3 (3.4k points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
found this on myheritage.com.

Henry C Marcell was born circa 1805, at birth place, Maryland, to Jacques Albert Marcel and Fleurie Debat Marcel (born dit Casenueve).

Jacques was born on July 10 1773, in Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland.

Fleurie was born on June 30 1785.

Henry had one brother: Jean Francois Hinlock Marcel.

Henry passed away in 1856, at age 51 at death place, Tennessee.
by Living Jones G2G6 Mach 2 (20.6k points)
Thanks Lexi for looking for me. I did a lot of research over the years and several have posted that info on his parentage. Problem is not one piece of proof that that is correct. There are several researchers on that Swiss line that say we are not connected. Still trying to find anything that can connect them other than a guess. Thanks again!

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