Why doesn't the spell correction context menu work in G2G edit area for posting?

+12 votes

When I have a "mispelled" word, Chrome underlines it with red, and if I right click on it, I normally get a context menu with suggested spelling corrections.  However, when posting in G2G, this does not work.

For example, the above misspelled word, when right clicked, just selects the word and the context menu is not raised.

It would be nice if the context menu worked in the editor for posting in G2G.

in WikiTree Tech by William Foster G2G6 Pilot (125k points)

3 Answers

+9 votes
I almost never use Chrome for G2G,  but my iPad. It doesn’t show my mistakes, but if I recognize one and tap on it, I get the choices for the word I misspelled. I see how that can be frustrating for Chrome users.

However, there is one problem with the answer field, and that is that the field is so small, it doesn’t show all of my answer. If I scroll back up to add or correct something, as soon as I start typing, it slides down to the end of the field so that I can’t see what I’m typing.
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Another great answer from Pip. But I do not have an iPad. There are other possibilities such as using an app that works with a spell check then do a copy and paste to Wikitree. What apps on your computer work with a spell check I do not know but it is just an idea.
How about using Word, spell checking, and then copying to the question/answer/comment field?
I am way better at math than spelling - when I have a word I can not get here in G2G I break out my phone and go to a message box like I am texting one of my kids and see if I can get the spelling to go there then copy it in - half the time I can't so I reword the comment, answer or question to use words I can spell!
Pip. The last icon in the 2nd. row of icons above the text box (Four arrows pointing to the corners) is to "maximize" the field. Have you tried it?
I am way better at math than spelling too, I have 9 1/2 fingers and 10 toes so as long as we do not have to add up more than 19 1/2 I am ok. But a hundred fingers cannot correct my spelling haha.
Well, I’ll be dogged! Thanks, Ruben!!
+5 votes
Hi William,

The problem lies with g2g and not Chrome. It seems they disabled right clicking in the text area. What you can try is highlighting the word and then drag and drop it on the -new tab- create at the top next to your existing tabs on the task bar. I don't think there is going to be an easy fix. I hope this will help. This should open the google search for you...

Edit: The answer is to use CTRL + Mouse right click. ☺
by Louis Heyman G2G6 Pilot (102k points)
edited by Louis Heyman
+6 votes

As Louis mentioned, right-click has been disabled in the WYSIWYG text editor in G2G. Since you are using Chrome, I would suggest adding the Allow Right-Click Chrome Extension. This will override the right-click being disabled in certain areas, or entire sites.

by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (794k points)
Sounds great, but I tried and not working for me, even though I added 'wikitree' to regexp for whitelisted sites.
I didn't to add WikiTree to the regexp list, in fact I still have the default value of "google|yahoo". Have you tried restarting Chrome?
Chrome restart did not help either.
Odd... If you have any other extensions installed, it is possible they are interfering. Chrome has a few other similar extensions you could try, I am just not familiar with them since I have never had an issue with this one.
I disabled all other extensions, but still no context menu on misspelled words.  I did notice I do get context menu on blank areas of the text edit occasionally, but never with spelling corrections.  Is it working for you to correct spelling?

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